
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站2021年8月3日报道,法国能源巨头道达尔能源公司宣布,该公司及其合作伙伴已经决定对巴


  据道达尔能源公司介绍,第四阶段开发包括梅罗4号浮式产油储油和卸油(FPSO)装置,该装置的液体处理能力为18万桶/天,预计在2025年前投入使用。梅罗4号 FPSO获得批准之前,梅罗1号FPSO、梅罗2号FPSO和梅罗 3号FPSO的投资决定预计分别于2022年、2023年和2024年投产。 这3个FPSO的液体处理能力为18万桶/天。

  道达尔能源公司勘探和生产负责人Arnaud Breuillac在公司声明中表示:“启动梅罗4号FPSO的决定标志着大规模开发梅罗石油资源的最后一个里程碑。”


  梅罗油田在2017年开始试产,拥有5万桶/天的“利布拉先锋号” FPSO,由巴西国家石油公司担任运营商,持有40%的股份,道达尔能源公司持有20%的股份,壳牌巴西公司持有20%的股份。

  据道达尔能源公司网站介绍,该公司在巴西已有40多年的历史,并指出该公司在巴西拥有3000多名员工。 目前,道达尔能源公司在巴西的投资组合包括12个区块。 2020年,该公司在巴西的平均权益油产量为3.5万桶/天。

  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  Greenlight for Giant Mero Field Development Phase 4

  TotalEnergies (NYSE: TTE) has announced that it and its partners have taken the investment decision for the fourth phase of the Mero project, located deep offshore Brazil in the pre-salt area of the Santos Basin.

  The fourth phase of the development comprises the Mero 4 Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit, which will have a liquid treatment capacity of 180,000 barrels per day and is expected to start up by 2025, TotalEnergies outlined. The Mero 4 FPSO greenlight follows investment decisions for the Mero 1 FPSO, which is expected to start up in 2022, the Mero 2 FPSO, which is expected to start up in 2023, and the Mero 3 FPSO, which is expected to start up in 2024. The Mero 1, 2, and 3 FPSOs all have a liquid processing capacity of 180,000 barrels per day.

  “The decision to launch Mero 4 marks the last milestone in the large scale development of the Mero oil resources,” Arnaud Breuillac, the president of exploration and production at TotalEnergies, said in a company statement.

  “This giant project is in line with TotalEnergies’ growth strategy in Brazil which is to produce oil at a competitive cost out of world class fields while limiting CO? emissions to a strict minimum,” he added in the statement.

  The Mero field has been in pre-production since 2017 with the 50,000 barrel per day Pioneiro de Libra FPSO. The Libra Consortium is operated by Petrobras, which holds a 40 percent stake, TotalEnergies, which holds a 20 percent interest, Shell Brasil, which holds a 20 percent interest.

  TotalEnergies has been present in Brazil for over 40 years, according to the company’s website, which notes that the business has more than 3,000 employees in the country. TotalEnergies Exploration and Production’s portfolio in Brazil currently includes 12 blocks. The company’s production in the country averaged 35,000 barrels of oil per day in 2020.

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