美国政府公布的统计数据显示,5月份,美国从这个冷战时期的前对手进口的原油和成品油数量环比激增了23%,至每日84.4万桶。 墨西哥被挤出了第二名的位置,因为它5月份对其北方邻国的石油出口数量增长不到3%。
马祖特100是美国炼油厂的理想原料,这些炼油厂习惯于加工来自中东的粘稠泥质原油。 由于制裁,来自前者的货物已经枯竭,而欧佩克制定的产量限制措施限制了后者的货物出口,给俄罗斯出口商创造了机会。
李峻 编译自 彭博社
Russia Second Among Foreign Oil Suppliers to USA
Russia is supplying more oil to the U.S. than any other foreign producer aside from Canada as American refiners scour the globe for gasoline-rich feedstocks to feed surging motor-fuel demand.
U.S. imports of crude and refined petroleum products from its former Cold War adversary surged 23% in May to 844,000 barrels a day from the prior month, government data showed. Mexico was edged out of the No. 2 spot as its shipments to its northern neighbor rose by less than 3%.
Russia has become a favored source for U.S. fuel makers largely because it producers ample supplies of semi-refined oils such as Mazut 100, an ideal feedstock for American refineries accustomed to processing thick, sludgy crude from the Middle East. Cargoes from the former dried up due to sanctions, and OPEC-orchestrated output limits have crimped shipments from the latter, leaving an opening for Russian exporters.