
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据管道天然气杂志网8月4日丹佛报道,先锋自然资源公司( Pioneer Natural Resources Co .)的首席执行官

   据管道&天然气杂志网8月4日丹佛报道,先锋自然资源公司( Pioneer Natural Resources Co .)的首席执行官表示,随着油气公司继续关注资本纪律和股东回报,未来几年美国页岩油气的增长“不会增长那么多”。

  先锋集团首席执行长谢菲尔德( Scott Sheffield )在第二季度的电话会议上表示,该公司预计未来几年二叠纪盆地的产量将增长约 5 %,与公司计划的产量增长一致,而其他盆地将持平或面临下降。

  总部位于德克萨斯州欧文的先锋公司是二叠纪盆地最大的生产商。今年,该公司通过收购双点能源(Double Point Energy)和Parsley Energy,增加了该公司在那里的持股。



  郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


  Pioneer Natural Resources Warns of Tepid Shale Growth in Coming Years

  Pioneer Natural Resources Co.'s top executive said that U.S. shale growth was "not going to grow that much" in the coming years, as oil and gas companies continue to focus on capital discipline and shareholder returns.

  Pioneer Chief Executive Officer Scott Sheffield anticipates output in the Permian basin to grow roughly 5% - in line with his own company's planned production increases - over the coming years, while other basins will be flat or face declines, he said during a second-quarter conference call.

  Irving, Texas-based Pioneer is the largest producer in the Permian Basin. It grew its holdings there with the acquisitions of Double Point Energy and Parsley Energy this year.

  Sheffield on Tuesday said the company was not eying any additional large acquisitions in the Midland basin. The company this week announced an inaugural variable dividend.

  Shares of Pioneer were up 6.7% in mid-morning trading to $151.83. The bump in its stock price came even as U.S. oil futures were off about 1.25% at $70.37 a barrel.

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