
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据烃加工2021年7月29日报道,美国可再生柴油的生产能力到2024年可能显著增加,这是基于几个项目的宣布

   据烃加工2021年7月29日报道,美国可再生柴油的生产能力到2024年可能显著增加,这是基于几个项目的宣布,这些项目要么正在建设中,要么即将开发。 这一增加是由各州和联邦政府提高可再生燃料的目标、优惠的税收抵免以及将现有的炼油厂转变为可再生柴油炼油厂所推动的。

  截至2020年底,美国可再生柴油生产能力总计近6亿加仑/年,或3.8万桶/天。 目前在建的几个项目可能会使这一产能增加24亿加仑/年; 已提议和已宣布的项目到2024年前将再增加18亿加仑/年。 如果所有项目按计划投产,到2024年底前,美国可再生柴油产量将达到51亿加仑/年(33万桶/天)。


  可再生柴油是一种化学性质与石油柴油相同的可再生燃料,其性能特性几乎相同。 可再生柴油可以在任何水平上混入石油柴油,这与生物柴油不同,生物柴油只能按2%至20%的体积比例混入柴油。

  李峻 编译自 烃加工


  U.S. renewable diesel capacity could increase due to upcoming projects

  U.S. production capacity for renewable diesel could increase significantly through 2024, based on several announcements for projects that either are currently under construction or could be in development soon. This growth is driven by higher state and federal targets for renewable fuel, favorable tax credits, and the conversion of existing petroleum refineries into renewable diesel refineries.

  As of the end of 2020, U.S. renewable diesel production capacity totaled nearly 0.6 billion gallons per year (gal/y), or 38,000 barrels per day (b/d). Several projects currently under construction could increase this capacity by 2.4 billion gal/y; proposed and announced projects would add another 1.8 billion gal/y by 2024. If all projects come online as intended, U.S. renewable diesel production would total 5.1 billion gal/y (330,000 b/d) by the end of 2024.

  Despite growth in renewable diesel production, renewable diesel will make up about 5% of current U.S. diesel production capacity by 2024 if all estimates of proposed renewable diesel capacity expansions occur as planned and petroleum diesel refinery capacity remains largely unchanged.

  Renewable diesel is a renewable fuel that is chemically the same as petroleum diesel and nearly identical in its performance characteristics. Renewable diesel can be blended into petroleum diesel at any level, making it different from biodiesel, which can only be blended at rates between 2% and 20% of diesel fuel by volume

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