
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据原油新闻8月2日消息称,墨西哥国家电力公司周日表示,该公司已与加拿大TC能源公司达成协议,将在该



  该协议还表示,由于担心该项目会跨越当地社区认为神圣的土地,墨西哥将加大力度帮助TC能源公司完成塔克斯潘-图拉输油管道的建设。去年,总统Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador曾建议重新铺设这条178英里(286公里)的输油管道,但该公司并未说明将如何解决这一问题。


  曹海斌 摘译自 原油新闻


  Mexico Strikes Pact with Canada’s TC Energy for Natural Gas Pipeline

  Mexico's state power utility has struck a deal with Canada's TC Energy Corp to develop a natural gas pipeline in the country's south and consolidate the firm's contracts in the central region, the utility said on Sunday. The pact appeared to mark a rare moment of agreement after months of dispute between energy companies and Mexico, which said such firms had benefited from contracts that put an unfair burden on taxpayers.

  The new pipeline in the south will start in Tuxpan in the Mexican state of Veracruz and run by sea to link with the Mayakan pipeline in the states of Campeche and Tabasco. "The agreement aims to solve a long-running problem of the lack of natural gas supply in the Mexican southeast and the Yucatan peninsula," the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) said in a statement.

  The pact also says Mexico will step up efforts to help TC Energy complete the Tuxpan-Tula pipeline after work stalled over concerns the project would cut across lands local communities consider sacred. Last year, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had suggested re-routing the 178-mile (286-km) pipeline, but the utility did not say how it would resolve the matter.

  "The CFE has agreed with TC Energy that it will take a more active role that will allow for solving social conflicts and completing the Tuxpan-Tula pipeline," it said. Bundling together together TC Energy's contracts in central Mexico would generate savings for the utility, it added.

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