
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据AzerNews网站2021年8月2日巴库报道,阿塞拜疆今年1月至6月期间增加了天然气产量和出口量,但减少了


  统计数据显示,自阿泽里–奇拉格- 久涅什利(ACG)油田群和沙赫杰尼兹大气田投产至今年7月1日,共生产了大约5.67亿吨石油(包括凝析油),出口了5.67亿吨石油(包括凝析油)。 从ACG油田群中生产了大约5.35亿吨原油,从沙赫杰尼兹大气田中生产了3200万吨凝析油。


  开发ACG油田群的合同于1994年9月20日签署,并于12月生效。 ACG油田群开发合同于2017年9月延长至2050年。

  ACG项目的股东包括英国石油公司(30.37%)、阿塞拜疆国家石油公司(25%)、匈牙利油气集团(9.57%)、日本INPEX(9.31%)、挪威Equinor(7.27%)、美国埃克森美孚公司(6.79%)、土耳其国家石油公司 (5.73%)、日本ITOCHU(3.65%)和印度onGC Videsh 有限公司(OVL)(2.31%)。

  沙赫杰尼兹大气田的开发合同于1996年签订。 沙赫杰尼兹大气田开发项目的股东包括:英国石油公司(运营商,28.8%)、土耳其TPAO(19%)、AzSD(10%)、SGC Upstream(6.7%)、马来西亚国家石油公司(15.5%)、俄罗斯卢克石油公司(10%)和NICO(10%)。

  李峻 编译自 AzerNews


  Azerbaijan boosts oil production. export in 1H2021

  Azerbaijan increased gas production and export while decreasing oil production and export during the period of January-June 2021.

  Likewise, since the commissioning of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli and Shah Deniz fields till July 1, 2021, some 567 million tons of oil, including condensate, have been produced, and 567 million tons of oil, including condensate, exported. Some 535 million tons of crude oil were extracted from ACG, while 32 million tons of condensate from Shah Deniz.

  By the end of six months of 2021, Azerbaijan refined 3.3 million tons of oil, which is by 276,300 tons more than in the same period last year.

  The shareholders in the ACG project are BP (operator, 30.37 percent), SOCAR (25 percent), MOL (9.57 percent), INPEX (9.31 percent), Equinor (7.27 percent), ExxonMobil (6.79 percent), TPAO (5.73 percent), ITOCHU (3.65 percent), onGC Videsh Limited (OVL) (2.31 percent).

  The contract on the development of the Shah Deniz gas field was signed in 1996. Shareholders of Shah Deniz project are: BP (operator, 28.8 percent), TPAO (19 percent), AzSD (10 percent), SGC Upstream (6.7 percent), PETRonAS (15.5 percent), LUKOIL (10 percent) and NICO (10 percent).

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