
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据油田技术8月1日消息称,马来西亚国家石油公司宣布,位于马来西亚半岛离岸140公里PM304区块的East Ce

   据油田技术8月1日消息称,马来西亚国家石油公司宣布,位于马来西亚半岛离岸140公里PM304区块的East Cendor油田于2021年6月23日实现了首次石油生产。


  East Cendor 是继 Cendor、West Desaru 和 Irama 之后 PM304 区块开发系列中的第四个项目。该项目包括开发一个新的井口平台 (WHP) 和安装一条新的 6.3 公里管道,将油田连接到现有的 FPSO Cendor。该油田的最高产量预计将超过7000桶/天,这将进一步延长PM304区块的经济寿命。

  马来西亚石油公司管理高级副总裁 Mohamed Firouz Asnan 表示:“East Cendor首次成功开采石油,证明马来盆地绝不是一个成熟的油气省。PM304区块最初是一个小型油田开发项目,早在2006年就在Cendor油田首次投产。然而,通过对该区块潜力的持续评估,该区块的总产油量仍在增长,结果证明,该区块的潜力很大。”

  “Cendor原油以其轻、甜的品质而闻名,一度被认为是世界上最贵的原油。随着East Cendor项目的成功,预计未来将开展更多积极的开发活动,将PM304区块内的大量剩余资源货币化。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 油田技术


  Offshore Malaysia field brought online

  PETRonAS has announced that the East Cendor field in Block PM304 located 140 km offshore Peninsular Malaysia achieved its first oil production on 23 June 2021.

  The field was developed by Petrofac (Malaysia) Limited (Petrofac), Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. and PETRonAS Carigali Sdn Bhd, under the Block PM304 Production Sharing Contract. Petrofac is the operator of the block.

  East Cendor represents the fourth in the series of development in Block PM304, after Cendor, West Desaru and Irama. The project comprises the development of a single new Wellhead Platform (WHP) and installation of a new 6.3 km pipeline linking the field to the existing FPSO Cendor. The field’s production rate is expected to peak at over 7000 bpd which will further extend the economic life of Block PM304.

  PETRonAS Senior Vice President of Malaysia Petroleum Management, Mohamed Firouz Asnan, said: “East Cendor’s first oil success proves that the Malay Basin is by no means a mature hydrocarbon province. Block PM304 started as a small field development with first production from the Cendor field back in 2006. However, the total oil-in-place volume grew through continuous efforts in appraising the block’s potential, which turned out to be large.

  “Known for its light and sweet quality, Cendor crude was billed as the most expensive in the world at one time. With the success of East Cendor, more active development activities are expected in the future to monetise the large remaining resources within Block PM304.

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