
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据《能源年》7月28日伦敦报道,能源跨国公司在上周和本周的新闻发布会上表示,包括哈里伯顿、巴斯夫、


  哈里伯顿的收益分摊到每股从上一季度的0.19美元上升到0.26美元。该油田服务公司今年第二季度的收入为2.27亿美元。这一利润超过了《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)分析师的预测,其曾预测哈里伯顿的收益分摊到每股股票只会上涨0.22美元。


  葡萄牙能源公司Galp今年第二季度的息税折旧及摊销前利润为6.74亿美元,同比增长 3.11亿美元。




  郝芬 译自 《能源年》


  Energy players see rebound in Q2 profits

  Energy multinationals have recorded a rise in profits in Q2 2021, including Halliburton, BASF, Galp and Equinor, the companies said in press releases this week and last.

  Halliburton saw earnings rise to USD 0.26 per diluted share compared to USD 0.19 in the previous quarter. The oilfield services player recorded USD 227 million in income in Q2 2021. The profits beat predictions from analysts at the Wall Street Journal who predicted Halliburton’s stock would rise only USD 0.22 per diluted share.

  German chemicals company BASF published sales growth of 56% in Q1 2021 from the previous quarter to USD 23.4 billion due to higher prices and volumes. Earnings before interest and taxes rose from its operations in pre-pandemic Q2 2019 by USD 1.65 billion to reach USD 2.83 billion in Q2 2021.

  Portugal’s energy player Galp saw earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation of USD 674 million in Q2 2021, a year-on-year rise of USD 311 million.

  Norwegian energy producer and refiner Equinor saw the sharpest rise in profits year on year. The company released adjusted earnings before tax of USD 4.64 billion in Q2 2021, a steep rise from USD 350 million in the same quarter in 2020.

  Most climbs in profits are attributed to higher commodity values. Brent crude rose to an average of USD 69 per barrel in Q2 2021, up from USD 61 per barrel in the previous quarter.

  Shell, TotalEnergies, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips are all expected to publish their Q2 earnings next week.

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