
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据美国钻井网站 2021年7月28日报道,马来西亚国家石油公司(马国油/Petronas)日前把位于马来西亚沙捞

   据美国钻井网站 2021年7月28日报道,马来西亚国家石油公司(马国油/Petronas)日前把位于马来西亚沙捞越海上的SK437区块授予了马国油Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB)、沙捞越壳牌有限公司(SSB)和沙捞越石油勘探与生产有限公司(PSEP),后者是沙捞越石油公司的全资子公司。

  马国油强调,SK437区块的授出预计将促进马来西亚的油气勘探活动,特别是在沙捞越海岸附近。SK437区块位于洛克尼亚省西南部,马国油称该地区“资源丰富”。 SK437区块面积为777平方英里,水深可达164英尺。

  马国油负责马来西亚石油管理的高级副总裁Mohamed Firouz Asnan在一份公司声明中表示:“壳牌公司和其他合作伙伴在马来西亚的130年合作里为该国油气行业的成功做出了贡献。”


  事实上,这个新授予进一步证明了马来西亚作为全球投资目的地的吸引力。 马国油的代表继续说道:“在我们‘正确的资产,正确的参与者’的战略下,在一个进步的财政体制的支持下,我们希望能够释放马来西亚油气资源的全部潜力。”

  SSB是SK437区块产量分成合同(PSC)的运营商,拥有85%的参与权益。 PCSB和PSEP分别持有该资产7.5%的股份。 SK437区块是壳牌公司在马来西亚15个PSCs的新增加,其中8个PSCs位于沙捞越海岸以外海域。

  今年2月,马国油将位于马来西亚沙巴海岸的SB405区块授予了康菲东马来西亚有限公司(COPEM),该公司是康菲和PCSB的子公司。 马国油当时在一份公司声明中指出,随着沙巴州更多区块投资机会的开放,该勘探区块的授予预计将促进沙巴州海岸的油气勘探活动。

  李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


  Shell Wins Stake in Sarawak Block

  Petronas has awarded Block SK437 offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, to Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), Sarawak Shell Berhad (SSB), and Petroleum Sarawak Exploration and Production Sdn Bhd (PSEP), a wholly owned subsidiary of Petroleum Sarawak Berhad.

  The award of the block is expected to bolster exploration activities in the country, particularly off the coast of Sarawak, Petronas highlighted. Block SK437 is located to the southwest of the central Luconia province, which Petronas describes as “prolific”. The block measures 777 square miles in size and resides in water depths of up to 164 feet.

  “During its 130 years in Malaysia, Shell and other partners have built a legacy of milestones that contribute to the success of the country’s oil and gas industry,” Mohamed Firouz Asnan, Petronas’ senior vice president of Malaysia petroleum management, said in a company statement.

  “It is our hope that this new partnership with PSEP and PCSB in Block SK437 would bring the industry to greater heights through complementary strengths and capabilities,” he added.

  “Indeed, this new award is a further testament of Malaysia’s attractiveness as a global investment destination. Under our ‘right asset, right player’ strategy, supported by a progressive fiscal regime, we hope to unlock the full potential of the hydrocarbon resources in Malaysia,” the Petronas representative went on to say.

  SSB is the operator for the Block SK437 production sharing contract, with an 85 percent participating interest. PCSB and PSEP each hold a 7.5 percent stake in the asset. Block SK437 is a new addition to Shell’s existing interests in 15 PSCs in Malaysia, of which eight are located off the coast of Sarawak.

  In February this year, Petronas awarded Block SB405, off the coast of Sabah, Malaysia, to ConocoPhillips East Malaysia Limited (COPEM), a subsidiary of ConocoPhillips and PCSB. The award of this exploration block is expected to bolster exploration activities off the coast of Sabah following the opening of more block investment opportunities in the country, Petronas noted in a company statement at the time.

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