
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:  据油价网 2021年7月26日报道,自从世界各国政府强制采用电动汽车以来,所有人都在关注生产电动汽车何时

  据油价网 2021年7月26日报道,自从世界各国政府强制采用电动汽车以来,所有人都在关注生产电动汽车何时才会最终具有经济意义。


  大众汽车公司还透露,该公司转向电动汽车的计划仍在继续,今年上半年交付了17.0939万辆全电动汽车。 据彭博社报道,这一数字是大众汽车公司去年交付的汽车数量的两倍。




  当时,大众汽车公司制定了到2030年扩大电动汽车供应的计划,其中包括取代特斯拉成为电动汽车世界冠军。 大众汽车公司在今年第一季度举办了“动力日”活动,并公布了建造6个“巨大工厂”的计划,总产能为240吉瓦时/年。

   大众汽车公司的目标是在2021年以后实现7%至8%的营业利润。 大众汽车公司还证实,该公司希望在2021年以5% - 6.5%的增幅结束今年的销售。 据StreetInsider报道,该公司在第一季度表示,通过降低成本,将实现更高的盈利能力,与2020年相比,2023年将节省20亿欧元。

  迪斯当时在CNBC上表示:“这一时期可能是整个行业最关键的时期。 在未来的15年里,我们将看到这个行业的总营业额。 电动汽车正处于领先地位,然后软设备真正成为行业的核心驱动力。“

  迪斯说:“今天的电动汽车已经非常、非常有竞争力,而且随着时间的推移,它们的竞争力会越来越强。 这让我们确信,这是前进的正确道路。 实际上,电动汽车将进一步降低个人出行成本。”

  大众汽车公司当时还透露,它正在研发一款“新的同一标准的电池”,将于2023年推出。 迪斯说:“一种适用于几乎所有电池设计的尺寸将从根本上降低电池成本。 比今天更便宜50%多的电池价格意味着未来电动汽车的售价将进一步下降,这使得电动汽车对消费者更具吸引力。”

  李峻 编译自 油价网


  Volkswagen CEO: EVs Will Be Cheaper Than ICE Vehicles In “2 To 3 Years”

  Ever since the forced adoption of EVs by governments worldwide, all eyes have been on when the electric vehicles would finally make economic sense to produce.

  According to Volkswagen, that milestone is still years away but is moving closer. CEO Herbert Diess said at the company's annual general meeting this week that its EVs would see margins at the same level of combustion cars "in two to three years".

  The company also disclosed that its shift to EVs continues on schedule, as it delivered 170,939 all-electric vehicles in the first half of the year. This number is twice as many vehicles as the company delivered last year, according to Bloomberg.

  Diess also stressed that electric mobility is seen as the "only way" to significantly reduce CO2 emissions in road traffic over the next 10 years.

  And the company is now also incentivizing its board and executives for its "green" initiatives: Volkswagen adopted a new management board remuneration system that "includes ESG targets", Bloomberg commented.

  Recall, back in March of this year, Volkswagen made its intentions of becoming a key player in EVs known, aspiring to compete with companies like Tesla.

  At the time, the company laid out plans for expanding its EV offerings through 2030, which included dethroning Tesla as the reigning EV world champ. VW hosted its "Power Day" in Q1 and revealed plans to build six "gigafactories" with a total capacity of 240-gigawatt hours per year.

  "The company is aiming to achieve an operating margin between 7% and 8% after 2021. VOW also confirmed it is looking to finish the year at the upper and of a 5% - 6.5% range in 2021. Higher profitability will be achieved through lower costs with as much as 2 billion euros savings identified for 2023 compared to 2020," the company said in Q1, according to StreetInsider.

  Chief Executive Herbert Diess said on CNBC at the time: “This period is probably the most crucial for the whole industry. Within the next 15 years we will see a total turnover of the industry. Electric cars are taking the lead and then software really becomes the core driver of the industry.”

  “Electric cars already today are very, very competitive and they’re becoming more competitive over time. that gives us the certainty that this is the right way going forward. Electric cars actually will bring down the cost of individual mobility further,” he continued.

  VW also disclosed at the time that it was working on a "new unified battery cell" to be launched in 2023. Diess said: "The one size fits almost all cell design will radically reduce battery costs ... by up to 50% compared to today. Lower prices for batteries mean more affordable cars, which makes electric vehicles more attractive for customers."

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