
   2021-08-23 互联网讯


核心提示:   据世界石油7月29日消息,阿帕奇石油公司(APA)公司宣布钻井成功,并更新了其苏里南58区块的评估计划状


  Sapakara South-1勘探井位于Sapakara地区的东部边缘,在Campano-Maastrichtian高品质油藏的单一区域发现了约30米(98英尺)的黑色净油层。这一结果标志着58区块东南部的商业石油开发又迈出了重要的一步。Maersk Valiant号将很快前往Bonboni的下一个勘探区,距离北部约45公里,然后在今年晚些时候返回,对Sapakara South-1进行流量测试。

  另一口勘探井在Kwaskwasi的Campano-Maastrichtian区块发现了两层薄薄的黑油层,影响了Kwaskwasi东部边缘的一小部分。Kwaskwasi的Campano-Maastrichtian区间和Sapakara South-1发现是独立且不相关的。

  APA公司总裁兼首席执行官John J. Christmann IV评论道:“初步评估让我们深受鼓舞,我们已经确认了30米深的单一块状砂层中充满了黑油。这些都是58区块加快开发的必要条件,该区块具有较高的勘探密度。我们很高兴能在Bonboni区块的北部进行勘探,并期待继续我们的评估项目,包括在年底前对Sapakara South-1区块进行流动测试。”

  APA Suriname持有58区块50%的开采权益,运营商道达尔持有50%的开采权益。

  裘寅 编译自 世界石油


  APA, TotalEnergies drill successful appraisal well offshore Suriname

  APA Corporation announced drilling success and updated the status of its appraisal program offshore Suriname in Block 58. As previously noted, the primary objective of the first phase of the appraisal drilling program is to deliver a fast-track, black oil development.

  Sapakara South-1, an appraisal well located on the eastern edge of the Sapakara area, encountered approximately 30 meters (98 feet) of net black oil pay in a single zone of high-quality Campano-Maastrichtian reservoir. This result marks another important step toward a commercial oil development in the southeast portion of Block 58. The Maersk Valiant will soon mobilize to the next exploration prospect at Bonboni, approximately 45 kilometers to the north, before returning later in the year to flow test Sapakara South-1.

  A second appraisal well encountered two thin intervals of black oil above water in the Campano-Maastrichtian at Kwaskwasi, impacting a small portion of the eastern edge of Kwaskwasi. The Campano-Maastrichtian intervals at Kwaskwasi and the Sapakara South-1 discovery are separate and unrelated.

  APA Corporation President and CEO John J. Christmann IV commented, “We are very encouraged by the initial appraisal, having confirmed 30 meters of a single, blocky sand that is full to base with black oil. These are the characteristics necessary to accelerate development in this area of Block 58, which has high prospect density. We are excited to explore the northern portion of the block at Bonboni and look forward to continuing our appraisal program, including a flow test of Sapakara South-1 before year-end.”

  APA Suriname holds a 50% working interest in Block 58, with TotalEnergies, the operator, holding a 50% working interest.

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