
   2021-12-14 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源之声网站12月10日报道 据美国能源信息署(EIA)称,到2022年底,美国将成为世界最大的液化天然气出口

据能源之声网站12月10日报道 据美国能源信息署(EIA)称,到2022年底,美国将成为世界最大的液化天然气出口国。



推动美国增长的将是Sabine Pass第六条生产线和Calcasieu Pass。新增的Sabine Pass将提供7.6亿立方英尺/日的产能,Calcasieu Pass将提供16亿立方英尺/日的产能,即1200万吨/年。

Sabine Pass第六条生产线于11月下旬投产,预计在今年年底出口第一批货物。Calcasieu Pass也应该在今年年底开始生产,到2022年底所有18条生产线都将投入运营。

Golden Pass LNG正在美国建设,为美国第八大液化天然气生产设施,将于2024年开始生产,使美国的峰值产能达到163亿立方英尺/日。

埃克森美孚和卡塔尔能源公司(QE)正在开发Golden Pass,该设施将包括三条生产线,每条生产线的额定产能为520万吨/年,第一条生产线将于2024年启动,另外两条将于2025年启动。

王磊 摘译自 能源之声


US to be LNG top dog by end 2022

The US will become the world’s largest LNG exporter by the end of 2022, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

In 2020, the US was in third place, behind Australia and Qatar.

The EIA expects US peak capacity to reach 13.9 billion cubic feet per day by the end of next year. It put Australian capacity at 11.4 bcf per day and Qatar at 10.4 bcf per day.

Driving the US increase will be Train 6 Sabine Pass and Calcasieu Pass. The Sabine Pass addition will provide another 0.76 bcf per day, while Calcasieu Pass will 1.6 bcf per day – or 12 million tonnes per year.

The sixth train at Sabine Pass began producing in late November. It should export its first cargo by the end of this year. Calcasieu Pass should also start producing by the end of this year, with all 18 trains operating by the end of 2022.

Golden Pass LNG is under construction in the US, the country’s eighth. This is due to start producing in 2024, taking US peak capacity to 16.3 bcf per day.

ExxonMobil and QatarEnergy (QE) are working on Golden Pass. This consists of three trains, each with nameplate capacity of 5.2mn tpy. The first will start in 2024, with the next two starting up in 2025.

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