
   2021-12-13 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据海上工程师网2021年12月9日报道,法国石油巨头道达尔能源公司日前已完成把加蓬Cap Lopez终端和非运营海上

据海上工程师网2021年12月9日报道,法国石油巨头道达尔能源公司日前已完成把加蓬Cap Lopez终端和非运营海上油田出售给法国佩朗哥石油和天然气公司(Perenco)。 


在最终调整前,这笔交易价值为3.5亿美元,道达尔能源公司 EP加蓬公司将其在加蓬由佩朗哥油气公司运营的7个成熟海上油田的权益,以及Cap Lopez石油终端的权益和作业权,转让给佩朗哥油气公司。在今年前三个季度,被剥离资产的油气日产量为8400桶油当量。 

道达尔能源公司EP加蓬公司总裁亨利-马克斯·恩东-纽泽说:“这笔交易符合道达尔能源公司通过剥离成熟、高盈亏平衡油田来增强其投资组合的战略。道达尔能源公司 EP加蓬公司正在重新关注其在Angille和Torpille地区运营的海上资产,并继续致力参与加蓬的石油行业 。”  


李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


TotalEnergies Sells Gabon Terminal, Offshore Fields to Perenco for $350M

French oil major TotalEnergies has completed the sale of the Cap Lopez Terminal and non-operated offshore field in Gabon to Perenco.

"After receiving the approval of Gabonese authorities, TotalEnergies announces the closing of its agreement to divest to Perenco Oil and Gas Gabon the Cap Lopez Terminal and non-operated assets of its 58%-owned affiliate TotalEnergies EP Gabon," TotalEnergies said Thursday.

With the transaction valued at $350 million before final adjustment, TotalEnergies EP Gabon is divesting its interests in seven mature offshore fields operated by Perenco Oil and Gas Gabon, along with its interests and operatorship in the Cap Lopez oil terminal, to Perenco Oil and Gas Gabon. The divested assets' production stood at 8,400 barrels of oil equivalent per day for the first three quarters of 2021.

"This transaction is aligned with TotalEnergies' strategy to enhance its portfolio by divesting mature, high break-even fields. TotalEnergies EP Gabon is refocusing on its operated offshore assets in the Anguille and Torpille sectors and remains a committed oil industry player in

Gabon," said Henri-Max Ndong-Nzue, President of TotalEnergies EP Gabon.  

The sale and purchase agreement was first announced back in July 2020.

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