
   2021-12-13 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据天然气加工网站12月10日报道 亚洲液化天然气价格本周上涨,原因是韩国冬季以及印度长期的供热需求。业内

据天然气加工网站12月10日报道 亚洲液化天然气价格本周上涨,原因是韩国冬季以及印度长期的供热需求。业内人士称,1月份交付至东北亚的液化天然气平均价格升至35.80美元/百万英热单位,较上周上涨1.20美元。





王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


Asian LNG prices rise boosted by South Korean winter demand

Asia LNG prices rose this week amid heating demand from South Korea during winter and from India for the longer term. The average LNG price for January delivery into Northeast Asia rose to $35.80 per metric MMBtu, up $1.20 from the previous week, industry sources said.

Prices for cargoes delivered in February are estimated to be about $34.80 per mmBtu, they added. South Korea's GS Energy is seeking a cargo for delivery in January while Korea Gas Corp (KOGAS) bought 4 to 6 LNG cargoes for delivery for January to February, the sources said. Turkish state energy company Botas is also seeking five cargoes for delivery for January and February. 

Still, many companies have already procured spot cargoes for winter and are unlikely to need further volumes unless there is a sudden cold snap, one gas buyer said. "The current price levels are not acceptable at all, so many have halted procurement for now," the source added. Supply was seen from Russia and Egypt which capped price gains.

Russia's Novatek has offered three cargoes for delivery to Europe over January to March, while Egypt's EGAS offered a cargo for loading in December, sources said. Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) has also offered nine cargoes for delivery over the next two years. Freight rates to ship LNG have also slipped this week, which helped support cargo prices.

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