
   2021-12-13 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据俄罗斯油气网12月10日消息称,德勒克勘探公司12 月 9 日宣布,该公司已完成以 11 亿美元的价格将其在Tama

据俄罗斯油气网12月10日消息称,德勒克勘探公司12 月 9 日宣布,该公司已完成以 11 亿美元的价格将其在Tamar油田22% 的股权出售给穆巴达拉石油公司。



德勒克勘探公司和穆巴达拉9 月份就出售签署了一项具有约束力的协议,根据协议,德勒克获得10.25亿美元 + 自今年年初以来从储层流出的额外 7500 万美元的天然气流量。德勒克还表示,将偿还与该项目相关的债券,并向股东返还1亿美元。

德勒克首席执行官Yossi Abu称赞该协议是自去年9月阿联酋和以色列签署亚伯拉罕协议以来最大的商业协议,该协议使两国关系正式正常化。他补充说,此次出售将为公司股东带来“可观的价值”。


曹海斌 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


Israel's Delek completed the sale of its 22% stake in Tamar field to the UAE's Mubadala

Delek Drilling announced on December 9, that the company has completed the sale of its 22% stake in the Tamar field to Mubadala Petroleum for $1.1 billion.

Located approximately 90 km west of Haifa, the field was discovered in 2009 and entered the production phase in 2013. The Tamar gas field is one of Israel’s primary energy sources and is able to produce 11 billion m3 of gas each year.

Other project shareholders include operator Chevron, which has a 25% stake, Isramco, which has 28.75%, Tamar Petroleum with 16.75%, Dor with 4% and Everest with 3.5%.

Delek Drilling and Mubadala signed a binding agreement in September on the sale, which will see Delek collect $1.025 billion + an extra $75 million for gas flow from the reservoir since the start of this year. Delek also said it would pay off its bonds related to the project and return $100 million to shareholders.

Delek CEO Yossi Abu hailed the deal as the largest commercial agreement to be signed between the UAE and Israel since the signing of the Abraham Accords in September last year, which formally normalised relations between the 2 countries. He added that the sale would deliver «considerable value» for the company's shareholders.

Tamar has produced more than 69 Bcm of gas since it started up in 2013, and has remaining 2P reserves of some 300 Bcm

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