
   2021-12-20 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据12月17日offshore energy消息:挪威航运公司Northern Xplorer公布了号称世界上第一艘氢动力零排放游轮的

据12月17日offshore energy消息:挪威航运公司Northern Xplorer公布了号称世界上第一艘氢动力零排放游轮的概念。



他们还将使用激光雷达技术来探测海洋塑料碎片,并提高人们对海洋污染的意识。据Northern Xplorer称,所有能够容纳300名乘客的船只都将进行性能优化,以提高能源效率并减少燃料消耗。

“乘坐较小的船只进行低影响的探索旅行,比拥挤的船只和游客众多的景点更可取。该公司创始人兼首席执行官Rolf André Sandvik说:“在远洋和内河巡航之间的某个地方,对于那些想要更亲密的船上体验、近距离了解新文化并带着度假的感觉离开的人来说,这是最好的选择但对当地社区和地球都是积极的。”


通过这个新项目,Northern Xplorer旨在实现未来的零排放目标。特别是在挪威,2026年生效的新政府法规将强制在Geirangerfjord和Nærøyfjord实施零排放。

“这将意味着在世界上第一个零排放海域航行的污染游轮的终结。Northern Xplorer提供了零排放解决方案,重点关注本地价值创造和赋权。”Sandvik总结道。

冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


World’s first hydrogen-powered cruise ship concept unveiled

Norwegian shipping company Northern Xplorer has unveiled what it claims to be the world’s first hydrogen-powered zero-emission cruise ship concept.

As disclosed, the company’s current plan includes a series of 14 ships. The ships will feature clean technologies including fully electric propulsion, battery energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells and auxiliary renewable energy supply (wind and solar power).

Furthermore, the ships will be equipped with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems used to safeguard against pathogen spread while extensive use of recyclable materials will promote circularity.

They will also have LADAR technology to detect marine plastic debris and raise awareness of maritime pollution. All the vessels, which will be able to accommodate up to 300 passengers, will be performance-optimized for energy efficiency and reduced fuel consumption, according to Northern Xplorer.

“Low-impact discovery travel in smaller vessels is infinitely preferable to overcrowded ships and marquee destinations teeming with tourists. Somewhere between ocean and river cruising, it’s for those who want a more intimate on-board experience, to get insights into a new culture up close, and leave with the feeling their holidays have contributed positively to local communities and the planet,” said the company’s founder and CEO Rolf André Sandvik.

The first ships are intended to be operational from 2024/2025.

With this new project, Northern Xplorer aims to meet future zero-emission targets. In Norway specifically, new government regulation coming into force from 2026 will make zero-emissions mandatory in Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord.

“This will mean the end of polluting cruise ships sailing in what will be the world’s first zero-emission marine zones. Northern Xplorer provides the … zero-emission solution with a strong focus on local value creation and empowerment,” Sandvik concluded.

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