
   2021-12-21 互联网综合消息




道达尔能源获得了巴西国家石油、天然气和生物燃料局(ANP) 在转让权利盈余投标回合中提供的 Atapu 和 Sépia 盐下油田的股份。

这家法国公司赢得了Atapu油田22.5%的股份,壳牌(其在该领域的合作伙伴)将持有 25% 的股份,而运营商巴国油将持有 52.5% 的股份。

Atapu 油田是桑托斯盆地的一个盐下油田,位于水深约 6,500 英尺处。该项目始于2020年,首艘浮式、生产、储存和卸载船(FPSO)的产量达到了16万桶/天的稳定水平。




“随着Atapu和Sépia的成功竞标,道达尔能源进一步扩大了其在桑托斯盐下盆地的足迹和产量,这是该公司的关键增长领域。这些都是获得巨大的低成本、低排放石油储备的独特机会,符合道达尔能源的新战略。”道达尔能源董事长兼首席执行官 Patrick Pouyanne 表示。


Pouyanne总结道:“此外,道达尔能源公司通过其子公司Total Eren在巴西发展可再生能源,目前已经拥有300兆瓦的产能。”



裘寅 编译自 钻机地带


TotalEnergies Expands In Key Growth Area With Double Win In Brazil

TotalEnergies has further expanded its presence in Brazil, a ‘key growth area’ for the French energy major, by winning stakes in two pre-salt oil fields.

Total Energies was awarded stakes in the Atapu and Sépia pre-salt oil fields offered by Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP) in the Transfer of Rights Surplus Bidding Round.

The French firm won a 22.5 percent interest in Atapu alongside Shell – its partner in the field – which will hold 25 percent, and operator Petrobras with a 52.5 percent stake.

The Atapu field is a pre-salt oil field in the Santos Basin, located in water depths of about 6,500 feet. Production started in 2020 and has reached a plateau of 160,000 barrels per day with a first floating, production, storage, and offloading vessel (FPSO).

A second FPSO is planned to be sanctioned, which would increase the overall oil production of the field to around 350,000 barrels per day.

The other win for total is the Sépia field, also located in the Santos Basin. There, TotalEnergies now holds a 28 percent interest. The two partners, apart from operator Petrobras with its 30 percent stake, are QatarEnergy with 21 percent, and Petronas with 21 percent.

Production started in 2021 and is targeting a plateau of 180,000 barrels per day with a first floating, production, storage, and offloading unit (FPSO). A second FPSO is planned to be sanctioned, which would increase the overall oil production of the field to around 350,000 barrels per day.

“With the successful bids on Atapu and Sépia, TotalEnergies further expands its footprint and production in the pre-salt Santos Basin, a key growth area for the company. These are unique opportunities to access giant low-cost and low emissions oil reserves, in line with TotalEnergies' new strategy,” said Patrick Pouyanne, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies.

“These assets benefit from world-leading well productivities to keep costs well below 20 $/boe. They also leverage technological innovations to limit greenhouse gas emissions to well below 20 kg/boe. Growing our presence in Brazil will enable us to accelerate the restructuring of our oil portfolio towards low-cost and low emissions hydrocarbon resources that will contribute to transforming TotalEnergies to a sustainable multi-energy company,” he added.

“Moreover, TotalEnergies, through its subsidiary Total Eren, pursues its growth in renewables in Brazil with already a capacity of 300 MW,” Pouyanne concluded.

With these two wins, TotalEnergies production in Brazil will increase from the effective date of the PSC planned by end of April 2022, with 30,000 boe/d in 2022 growing to 50,000 boe/d from 2023.

It is worth noting that Atapu and Sepia are part of an area estimated to hold as much as 15 billion barrels of recoverable crude and are located in an area that already produces oil. 

Petrobras is producing from a block bordering Sepia while Total, Galp, and Shell are partnering with the Brazilian giant in a block bordering Atapu.

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