古巴国有石油公司古巴石油公司的高级官员Osvaldo Lopez说:“过去十年,古巴的石油产量每年都在3%到7%之间波动,这次减产打破了石油产量下降的趋势。”
据《格拉玛报》报道,产量增加的根本原因包括西部城市巴拉德罗外围的石油钻探工程,以及位于哈瓦那以东约40公里的渔业小镇Santa Cruz del Norte的新油田发现。
曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻
Cuba’s crude oil production increases in 2021
The production of crude oil in Cuba is projected to have increased by 4 percent in 2021 compared to the same period last year, Cuban daily newspaper Granma reported Thursday.
“It breaks a downward trend, after the annual reduction of oil production on the island fluctuated between 3 and 7 percent in the past decade,” Osvaldo Lopez, a high-ranking official from Cuba’s state-operated oil company Cubapetroleo, was quoted as saying.
“Most of the crude oil production in Cuba is used in power generation,” he added.
According to Granma, the fundamental causes of the production increase include oil drilling works on the periphery of the western city of Varadero and the discovery of a new oil field in Santa Cruz del Norte, a fishing town located some 40 km east of Havana.