直到2020年上半年时美国是一个原油和石油产品的净进口国(进口大于出口),美国在2020年上半年变成了一个原油和石油产品净出口国(出口大于进口),平均每天多出口43.2万桶。 2021年上半年,美国第二次成为石油净出口国。 自2011年以来,美国一直是石油产品的净出口国。
美国出口的成品油要多于原油。 2021年上半年,石油产品出口量平均为550万桶/天,高于2020年上半年的530万桶/天。 石油产品出口包括车用汽油、馏分油和丙烷出口。 2020年,以运输燃料油为主的部分成品油(馏分燃料油、车用汽油、航空煤油)进出口总量比2019年有所下降。
由于亚洲对丙烷的需求增加,而美国对丙烷的需求减少,丙烷出口增加。按数量计算,丙烷出口量现在超过了馏分燃料油出口量,成为美国最主要的石油产品出口商品。 2021年上半年,石油产品进出口量均高于2020年上半年和2019年上半年的水平。
美国进口的原油比石油产品要多。 2021年上半年,美国原油净进口量为290万桶/天。 自2017年以来,原油净进口量每年上半年都在下降,这主要反映了自2015年美国取消原油出口禁令以来,美国原油出口量的增加。
2021年上半年,美国原油总出口量平均为300万桶/天,低于2020年上半年的320万桶/天。 这是自2015年出口禁令结束以来原油出口量首次减少,可能是受原油产量下降的驱动。
2020年,由于经济应对疫情影响,原油产量大幅下降。 美国原油总进口量也有所下降,从2020年上半年的620万桶/天降至2021年上半年的590万桶/天。
李峻 编译自 天然气加工新闻网
The U.S. exported slightly more petroleum than it imported in the first half of 2021
The EIA's Petroleum Supply Monthly trade data show that the U.S. exported more crude oil and petroleum products than it imported during the first half of 2021 by 120,000 bpd, or less than 1% of combined crude oil and petroleum product exports and imports.
The U.S. was a net importer of crude oil and petroleum products (imported more than it exported) in the first of half of each year until the first half of 2020, when the U.S. became a net exporter (exported more than it imported) by 432,000 bpd of crude oil and petroleum products. This year marks only the second time the U.S. has been a net total petroleum exporter in the first half of the year. The U.S. has been a net exporter of petroleum products alone since 2011.
The U.S. exports more refined petroleum products than it does crude oil. Petroleum product exports averaged 5.5 MMbpd in the first half of 2021, up from 5.3 MMbpd in the first half of last year. Exports of petroleum products include motor gasoline, distillate, and propane exports. Both imports and exports of select petroleum products mainly consumed as transportation fuels—distillate fuel oil, motor gasoline, and jet fuel—altogether decreased in 2020 compared with 2019.
Propane exports increased in response to more demand for propane in Asia and less demand for propane in the U.S. Propane now surpasses distillate fuel oil as the most prevalent U.S. petroleum product export by volume. In the first half of 2021, both imports and exports of petroleum products increased above their levels in the first halves of 2020 and 2019.
The U.S. imports more crude oil than it does petroleum products. The U.S. was a net importer of 2.9 MMbpd of crude oil in the first half of 2021. Net imports of crude oil have decreased in the first half of every year since 2017, primarily reflecting increasing U.S. exports of crude oil since the end of the U.S. crude oil export ban in 2015.
Gross U.S. crude oil exports in the first half of 2021 averaged 3.0 MMbpd, down from 3.2 MMbpd in the first half of last year. This decrease was the first time exports decreased since the end of the export ban in 2015 and was likely driven by lower crude oil production, which decreased substantially in 2020 because of economic responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gross U.S. crude oil imports also fell, decreasing from 6.2 MMbpd in the first half of 2020 to 5.9 MMbpd in the first half of 2021.