美国石油公司预测明年产量上升 但警告成本大幅上升

   2021-12-30 互联网综合消息




约49%的受访企业高管表示,他们计划明年扩大产量,15%的受访者表示,他们的主要目标是维持现有产量水平,13%的受访者计划重点削减债务。 6个月前景依然乐观,但这个指数已从上一季度的58.9降至53.2。 


美国油价周三上涨1.2%,至每桶76.88美元左右。 自今年年初以来,由于经济从冠状病毒疫情大流行中复苏,对石油和汽车燃料的需求反弹,油价上涨了近60%。 

调查结果显示,服务业投入成本指数创下历史新高,从上季度的60.8升至69.8。 油服公司报告称,第四季度成本上升,租赁运营费用从第二季度的29.4跃升至42,也是达拉斯联邦储备银行5年前开始这项调查以来的最高水平。

“不断加剧的供应链中断和相关的通货膨胀有可能推迟和影响2022年完井钻井活动。” 其他高管则表示,明年很难找到高素质的钻井工人。  

受访者平均预期明年12月油价将达到每桶75美元,亨利中心的天然气价格将降至每百万英热单位(MMBtu) 4.06美元,两者均接近当前价格。 




李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


Oil Firms Predict Rising Output, But Warn of Higher Costs

U.S. oil and gas executives are predicting higher production and drilling activity next year as oil prices climb, but say they face sharply higher costs, according to a poll released on Wednesday by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Some 49% of executives surveyed said they aim to expand output next year, while 15% said their main focus would be to maintain existing production levels and 13% plan to focus on reducing debt. Six-month outlooks remained positive, but the index declined to 53.2 from 58.9 the previous quarter.

Executives of publicly traded oil companies have said they largely plan to keep production flat or expand output at low single-digit percentage rates next year and focus on improving shareholder returns.

U.S. oil prices were up 1.2% on Wednesday at around $76.88 a barrel. They are up almost 60% since the start of the year, as demand for oil and motor fuels rebounds on an economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

The index for input costs among service firms hit a record high in the survey, rising to 69.8 from 60.8 last quarter. Oilfield service firms reported higher costs during the fourth quarter, and lease operating expenses jumped to 42 from 29.4 during the quarter, also the highest reading since the Federal Reserve began the survey five years ago.

Rising supply-chain disruption and associated inflation have the potential to delay and impact drilling and completion activity in 2022," one executive commented. Others said it has been difficult to find highly qualified workers.

Survey respondents on average anticipate oil prices to be at $75 a barrel next December, and Henry Hub natural gas prices to land at $4.06 per million British thermal unit (MMBtu), both close to current pricing.

In a section of special questions, 95% of respondents said they did not expect countries to meet their 2030 commitments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Many executives also said that uncertainty over the Administration's energy policies has made planning difficult.

December's survey polled executives at 134 energy firms in Texas, southern New Mexico and northern Louisiana, of which 90 were from exploration and production companies and 44 were from oilfield service firms.

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