油价持续高企 巴国油推进关键石油项目

   2021-12-28 互联网综合消息




随着一些国家从化石燃料生产转向可再生能源生产,许多国家将不得不进口石油和天然气来填补过渡时期的缺口。与此同时,美国能源信息署预测,巴西的原油消费量将在未来 30 年增长 34%。巴西国家石油公司去年出口了约27%的原油,显示出该国的高需求和扩张潜力。


在需求依然旺盛的情况下,巴西国家石油公司正在推进几个石油和天然气项目。通过快速修复Manati油田出口管道的海底阀门,天然气生产在暂停大约10天后恢复并运行。Manati 提供的天然气产量很高,11 月份产量为1.207亿立方英尺/天,其中巴西国家石油公司占35%的份额。

就在几天前,巴西管道公司 TBG将其 2022 年的天然气运输能力出售给了巴西国家石油公司,用于其玻利维亚-圣保罗路线。

朱佳妮 摘译自 油价网


Brazil Rushes Ahead With Key Oil Projects As Prices Remain Elevated

With Brazilian oil demand set to continue, Petrobras is making big plans for oil and gas as well as testing the water with greener fuels, although it is not yet investing in other renewables such as solar or wind power.

As several countries move away from fossil fuel production towards renewable alternatives, many will have to import oil and gas to bridge the gap during the transition period. Meanwhile, the Energy Information Administration predicts that Brazil’s consumption of crude will rise 34 percent over the next three decades. Petrobras exported around 27 percent of its crude last year, demonstrating the high national demand and the potential to expand. 

This month, Petrobras signed a $5 million revolving credit facility, that ends in 2026 with the potential a further two-year extension. It signed the agreement with 16 banks, replacing the $4.35 billion revolving credit facility it contracted in 2018. This borrowing power will allow the company to use the cash more effectively, maintaining access to its liquidity without additional costs.

Petrobras is going ahead with several projects in oil and gas while demand remains high. Quick to repair the Manati field export pipeline’s subsea valve, the gas production is back up and running after around 10 days of pause. Manati provides a high gas output, which totaled 120.7 million cubic feet per day of production in November, of which Petrobras took a 35 percent share. 

Just days ago, TBG, the Brazilian pipeline company, sold its 2022 natural gas transport capacity to Petrobras for its Bolivia-Sao Paolo route.

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