
   2021-12-30 互联网综合消息






由于全球各地与新冠病毒相关的工作人员短缺,航班取消阻碍了假日旅行,但美国疾病控制和预防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)已将新冠感染者的建议隔离期从10天缩短至5天,因为最近的初步研究表明,与其他新冠株相比,奥密克戎变种可能更具传染性,但不那么严重。

纽约商品交易所2月交付的西德克萨斯中质原油 CLG22, 1.10% CL.1, 1.09% 上涨1.16美元,涨幅1.6%,达到每桶 76.75 美元,而周一美国基准上涨2.4%。

斯巴达资本证券(Spartan Capital Securities)首席市场经济学家彼得·卡迪略(Peter Cardillo)在每日报告中写道,原油价格上涨超过一个百分点,现货油接近77美元,随着对需求的“恐惧因素”消退,很有可能达到我们80美元的短期目标。

继一天前上涨3.2%之后,2月全球基准布伦特原油BRNG22 0.92%在ICE欧洲期货交易所上涨1.18美元,涨幅1.5%,至每桶79.40美元。

然而,一些经济学家认为病毒传播是全球经济增长的障碍。据《华尔街日报》报道,穆迪分析公司(Moody 's Analytics)首席经济学家马克·赞迪(Mark Zandi)将其对美国明年第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)增长的预期从5.2%下调至2.2%,因为他“认为第一季度的经济损失会越来越大”。经济疲软可能会拖累石油吸收。



郝芬 译自 EnergiesNet.com


Mark DeCambre/MarketWatch -U.S. oil futures Tuesday climb again, heading for 5th day of gains

U.S. crude oil futures Tuesday were climbing to levels not seen since late November, after four straight days of gains of more than 1%, the biggest streak since late May of 2020, according to Dow Jones Market Data, as winter demand, and hopes that the omicron variant of coronavirus would have only limited impact on economic growth, justified buying.

However, low trading volumes amid the Christmas and New Year holiday may be amplifying volatility, analysts said.

The rise in crude prices also gained some support after the U.K. said that it would not impose any further restrictions on consumer mobility as COVID infections rise in the region, though it was reviewing the impact of the disease on hospitals.

Holiday travel has been impeded by flight cancellations resulting from COVID-related staff shortages around the globe, but the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reduced the recommended isolation period for people infected with COVID-19 to 5 days from 10 as recent preliminary studies have suggested the omicron variant may be more transmissible but less severe than other COVID strains.

West Texas Intermediate crude for February delivery CLG22, 1.10% CL.1, 1.09% was trading $1.16 higher, or 1.6%, to reach $76.75 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after the U.S. benchmark rose 2.4% on Monday.

“Crude oil prices are up over a full point with spot oil nearing $77, and could very well reach our short-term target of $80 as the ‘fear factor’ over demand subsides,” wrote Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Spartan Capital Securities, in a daily note.

February Brent crude BRNG22, 0.92%, the global benchmark, advanced $1.18, or 1.5%, to trade at $79.40 a barrel on ICE Futures Europe, following a 3.2% gain a day ago.

However, some economists see the spread of the virus as a hurdle for global economic growth. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, downgraded his first-quarter U.S. gross domestic product forecast to 2.2% growth from 5.2% as he “can see the economic damage mounting going into the first quarter,” The Wall Street Journal reported. A weaker economy could be a drag for oil uptake.

Looking ahead, investors are watching for a meeting between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, including Russia, a group known as OPEC+, which is scheduled for Jan. 4.

OPEC+ will assess its plans to boost daily oil production among its members to 400,000 bpd starting in February or adjust its output to factor the spread of COVID.

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