
   2021-12-23 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界天然气12月21日消息称,天然气发电开发商 新堡垒能源(NFE)将利用毛里塔尼亚沿海现有的海上天然气储备

据世界天然气12月21日消息称,天然气发电开发商 新堡垒能源(NFE)将利用毛里塔尼亚沿海现有的海上天然气储备开发一个能源中心,包括天然气、电力、液化天然气和蓝氨。


根据谅解备忘录,NFE将部署其“Fast LNG”技术,在毛里塔尼亚近海的大西洋沿岸盆地生产液化天然气。液化天然气将专门用于当地天然气和电力市场以及国际出口。

“Fast LNG”液化技术将最新的液化技术与自升式钻井平台或类似的浮动基础设施相结合。与当今的浮动液化船相比,这使得成本更低,部署进度更快。


NFE首席执行官Wes Edens表示:“使用我们创新的 Fast LNG 液化器从这些油田生产液化天然气将有助于加速全球向更清洁燃料的过渡。天然气和现代电力基础设施的供应也将有助于带来更多负担得起、可靠和清洁的电力,以支持毛里塔尼亚的工业发展和可持续经济增长,同时,释放该国成为清洁液化天然气和蓝氨最大出口国的潜力。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 世界天然气


NFE to develop LNG and ammonia energy hub in Mauritania

Gas-to-power developer New Fortress Energy (NFE) will develop an energy hub, including natural gas, power, LNG, and blue ammonia, using existing offshore gas reserves off the coast of Mauritania.

The U.S. company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Mauritania.

Under the MoU, NFE will deploy its “Fast LNG” technology to produce LNG in the Atlantic coastal basin offshore Mauritania. LNG will specifically be used for local gas and power markets as well as international exports.

The “Fast LNG” liquefaction pairs the latest liquefaction technologies with jack-up rigs or similar floating infrastructure. This enables a much lower cost and faster deployment schedule than today’s floating liquefaction vessels.

In addition, NFE will supply natural gas to both the Somolec Power Plant and a new combined cycle power plant.

“The production of LNG from these fields with our innovative Fast LNG liquefiers will help accelerate the global transition to cleaner fuels,” said Wes Edens, CEO of NFE. “Supply of natural gas and modern power infrastructure will also help bring more affordable, reliable and cleaner power to support industrial development and sustainable economic growth in Mauritania and, at the same time, unlock the country’s potential to be a top exporter of clean LNG and blue ammonia.”

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