
   2021-12-22 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据离岸工程网站12月20日消息 意大利海底电缆制造商意大利普睿司曼周五表示,已在美国海上风电市场获得价值9

据离岸工程网站12月20日消息 意大利海底电缆制造商意大利普睿司曼周五表示,已在美国海上风电市场获得价值9亿美元的合同。

这两个项目都由Avangrid可再生能源公司和哥本哈根基础设施合作伙伴(CIP)的合资企业Vineyard Wind授予。

价值约3亿美元的第一个布线项目将把804兆瓦的Park City海上风电场连接至康涅狄格州的电网。普睿司曼将部署HVAC 275 kV三芯电缆,带交联聚乙烯电缆和单线铠装。电缆将在意大利的阿科·费利斯和芬兰的皮卡拉生产,并由Leonardo da Vinci和Ulisse船只安装。交付和调试计划在2026年进行。

另一份合同是英联邦风力电缆项目,价值约5.8亿美元。普睿司曼获得该合同之前,马萨诸塞州选择了Vineyard Wind提供1200兆瓦海上风电场容量的方案。

普睿司曼将设计、供应、安装和调试多达三条出口海底电力电缆链路,将联邦风电接入马萨诸塞州的电网。普睿司曼将提供HVAC 275 kV三芯电缆,带交联聚乙烯绝缘和单线铠装。

普睿司曼表示:“作为英联邦风力项目协议的一部分,并受若干惯例先决条件的约束,例如获得建造设施的许可并与业主达成合同安排。普睿司曼打算建造一个最先进的制造设施,用于位于萨默塞特的前1600 兆瓦燃煤发电厂所在地布雷顿角的海底传输电缆。这两项电缆供应合同都取决于普睿司曼集团对其足迹进行本地化的计划的最终确定。”

海底电缆计划在马萨诸塞州(美国)的新工厂以及Arco Felice和Pikkala生产。对于这个项目,电缆也将由Leonardo da Vinci和Ulisse船只安装。出口电缆的交付和调试计划在2027年进行。

王磊 摘译自 离岸工程


Prysmian Wins $900M U.S. Offshore Wind Contracts

Italian subsea power cable maker Prysmian said Friday it had secured contracts worth $900 million in the U.S. offshore wind market.

Both projects have been awarded by Vineyard Wind, a joint venture between Avangrid Renewables and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)-

Worth around $300 million, the first cabling project will connect the 804 MW Park City offshore wind farm to the electricity grid in the state of Connecticut. Prysmian will deploy HVAC 275 kV three-core cables with XLPE insulation and single wire armoring. Cables will be produced in Arco Felice, Italy, and Pikkala, Finland, and will be installed by the Leonardo da Vinci and Ulisse vessels. Delivery and commissioning are scheduled for 2026.

The other contract is for the Commonwealth Wind cabling project, worth around $580 million. Prysmian’s award follows the Massachusetts Baker-Polito administration selection of the Vineyard Wind’s proposal for delivering 1,200 MW of offshore wind farm capacity.

Prysmian will design, supply, install, and commission as many as three export submarine power cable links to connect the Commonwealth Wind to the electricity grid in Massachusetts. Prysmian will supply HVAC 275 kV three-core cables with XLPE insulation and single-wire armoring.

"As part of the Commonwealth Wind project agreement and subject to several customary conditions precedent, such as obtaining permits to build the facilities and closing the contractual arrangements with the property owner, Prysmian intends to build a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility for submarine transmission cables at Brayton Point, the site of the former 1,600 MW coal-fired power plant in Somerset. Both cable supply awards are subject to the finalization of Prysmian Group plans to localize its footprint," Prysmian said.

The submarine cables are planned to be produced in the new plant in Massachusetts (USA), as well as in Arco Felice and Pikkala. For this project, too, cables will be installed by the Leonardo da Vinci and Ulisse vessels. Delivery and commissioning of the export cables are scheduled for 2027.

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