
   2022-01-10 互联网综合消息





谢菲尔德1月5日在高盛集团组织的一次网络直播能源会议上说:“我希望这种状况能保持下去。” 谢菲尔德补充道:“每桶110美元、120美元或更高的油价,就像欧洲现在看到的那样,对我们的页岩行业没有任何帮助。”


自7年多前油价暴跌以来,全球石油行业迄今尚未完全从每桶100美元的繁荣时期恢复过来。 花旗集团大宗商品研究全球负责人艾德·莫尔斯1月5日接受彭博电视台采访时说,即使原油价格回升到上述水平,也不会在这一水平停留太久。

响尾蛇能源公司首席执行官特拉维斯•斯蒂斯也认为,油价高于100美元对石油行业不利,因为这可能被视为石油产量再次增长的信号。 但他说,目前股东仍在说,他们不希望看到石油勘探公司提高产量。 


李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


Pioneer CEO sees oil above $100 as a net negative for shale

Bosses for some of the biggest oil explorers in the Permian Basin say their industry could be hurt if crude climbs above $100 a barrel.

With an expectation that oil demand exceeds supply by later in the year or in early 2023, Scott Sheffield, chief executive officer at Pioneer Natural Resources Co., said he sees oil prices to be in the range of $75 to as much as $100.

“I hope it stays there,” he said Wednesday in a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. energy conference webcast. Sheffield added that “$110, $120 oil or higher, like what Europe is seeing, is not going to help our industry.”

While activity in the U.S. showed no sign of slowing down at the end of last year, public explorers in the world’s biggest shale patch are continuing to preach the new mantra of restricting production growth so they can send more profits back to investors. Diamondback Energy Inc. and Devon Energy Corp. executives said on the same webcast panel that they’d need to see shareholder sentiment change to increase output again.

The global oil industry has yet to fully climb back from the boom era of $100 oil since tumbling more than seven years ago. Ed Morse, global head of commodities research at Citigroup Inc., said Wednesday in a Bloomberg Television interview that even if crude climbs back to those levels, it wouldn’t stay there long.

Travis Stice, chief executive officer for Diamondback, agreed that oil higher than $100 wouldn’t be good for the industry as it could be seen as a signal for production growth again. But right now, he said shareholders are still saying they don’t want to see oil explorers boost output.

“Eighteen months ago, we were in a global apocalypse for the energy sector, and now you’re talking about outsized returns,” Stice said. “We should all pause and recognize the Tectonic shifts that is in capital allocation.”

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