
   2022-01-07 互联网综合消息





由沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯领导的欧佩克+联盟已经恢复了疫情期间停止的部分原油生产,并于周二(1月4日)同意继续以每天40万桶的速度进一步增产。 但由于一些成员国面临投资限制和内部形势不稳定的问题,这一增产进程受到了阻碍。



根据欧佩克与更广泛联盟达成协议的条款,欧佩克的13个成员国中有10个成员国12月获准每天增加约25万桶石油,但它们加起来仅增加了15万桶。 尽管安哥拉上个月实现了小幅复苏,但其产量下降了协议要求的近3倍。

这些数据是基于船舶跟踪数据、官员提供的信息以及挪威著名能源研究公司雷斯塔能源公司和JBC Energy GmbH等咨询公司的估计得出的。

限制正在打击更广泛联盟中的其他国家。 俄罗斯12月虽然慷慨地提高了欧佩克+配额,但其仍未能提高原油产量,这表明俄罗斯已动用了现有的所有原油产能。  

李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


OPEC Output Boost Severely Limited

OPEC made only part of its planned production increase last month, with supplies hampered by disruptions in two of the group’s African members.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries added just 90,000 barrels a day in December, as a boost by Saudi Arabia was offset by losses in Nigeria, according to a Bloomberg survey. 

The OPEC+ coalition led by Saudi Arabia and Russia has been restoring production halted during the pandemic, and on Tuesday agreed to press on with further increases at a rate of 400,000 barrels a day. But the process has been hindered as some members struggle with investment constraints and internal instability. 

The coalition’s travails are helping to support oil prices even as global markets tip back into oversupply, with Brent crude futures trading near $80 a barrel in London on Wednesday.

In Nigeria, Royal Dutch Shell Plc warned of difficulties with shipments of crude oil from its Forcados terminal -- one of the country’s largest -- during the last 10 days of the month. The Bonny terminal, also operated by Shell, has also had trouble loading cargoes. The country’s output was down 110,000 barrels a day to 1.42 million.

Ten of OPEC’s 13 members were permitted to add roughly 250,000 barrels a day last month under the terms of the group’s accord with the wider coalition, but their combined hike amounted to only 150,000. While Angola managed a modest recovery last month, its output is down almost three times the amount required by the agreement.

The figures are based on ship-tracking data, information from officials and estimates from consultants including Rystad Energy AS and JBC Energy GmbH.

Constraints are hitting other countries in the wider coalition. Russia failed to boost oil output last month despite a generous ramp-up in its OPEC+ quota, indicating the country has deployed all of its current available production capacity.

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