
   2022-01-05 互联网综合消息



据美国钻井网站报道,独立油气公司联合油气公共有限公司(UOG)2021年12月29日宣布,部署在埃及陆上阿布塞南许可证区块的Al Jahraa-13 (AJ-13)开发井,在含油的上、下巴哈利亚储层目标中钻遇了57.4英尺厚的商业纯产层。

UOG表示,AJ-13井是Al Jahraa-8井的后续井,其完钻时总深度达到了12,598英尺,比计划提前了几天完钻,而且低于预算。 UOG指出,AJ-13井将在“未来几天”进行测试和完井,然后通过现有的Al Jahraa设施立即投产。

UOG强调,AJ-13井是阿布塞南许可证区块2021钻井计划的第5口井,也是2022年钻井计划开始前的最后一口井。 UOG指出,AJ-13井商业纯产层的发现是UOG获得该许可证股份以来在阿布塞南许可证区块获得的连续第7口成功井。

UOG首席执行官Brian Larkin在一份公司声明中表示:“我们在2021年的钻井活动中取得了出色的成绩,2021年在阿布塞南许可证区块成功钻取了5口井。”

Larkin在声明中补充道,“所有发现井都很快投产,为公司带来了现金流。2021年的钻井活动进一步消除了阿布塞南许可证区块勘探潜力的风险,开发井为未来的勘探钻井目标提供了更多有价值的数据,其中两个钻井目标ASF-1X和AST-1X已列入2022年的钻井计划 。”

UOG在2021年11月12日宣布开钻AJ-13井。 UOG在当时的一份公司声明中指出,AJ-13井大约需要65天的时间钻完,并表示其全部资金来自运营现金流。  

UOG成立于2015年,是一家石油和天然气勘探、开发和生产公司,在埃及、英国、意大利和牙买加拥有现有资产。 根据该公司网站的数据,2021年上半年,UOG在阿布塞南许可证区块的开采权益产量平均为2730桶油当量/天。  

2020年初,UOG完成了对Rockhopper Egypt Pty的收购,其中包括位于埃及陆上西部沙漠地区的阿布塞南许可证区块22%非经营权益。 

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Commercial Net Pay Found onshore Egypt

United Oil & Gas PLC (AIM: UOG) announced on Wednesday that the Al Jahraa-13 (AJ-13) development well in the Abu Sennan license onshore Egypt encountered 57.4 feet of net pay in the oil bearing upper and lower Bahariya reservoir targets.

AJ-13, which is a follow up to the Al Jahraa-8 well, reached a total depth of 12,598 feet several days ahead of schedule and under-budget, UOG outlined. The well will be tested and completed “in the coming days” and will then be brought immediately onstream through the existing Al Jahraa facilities, UOG noted.

UOG highlighted that AJ-13 is the fifth and final well in the Abu Sennan 2021 drilling program before the 2022 drilling program begins. The discovery of commercial net pay in AJ-13 makes it the seventh successful well in a row at Abu Sennan since UOG acquired its interest in the license, the company pointed out.

“We have had outstanding results with our drilling campaign in 2021 with five out of five successful wells drilled at Abu Sennan this year,” Brian Larkin, UOG’s chief executive officer, said in a company statement.

“All of the wells have been brought into production quickly, generating cash flow for the company. The 2021 drilling campaign has further de-risked the exploration potential at Abu Sennan and the development wells have provided further valuable data for future exploration drill targets, two of which are included in the 2022 program; ASF-1X and AST-1X,” he added in the statement.

UOG announced the spudding of AJ-13 on November 12. In a company statement at the time, UOG noted that the well would take approximately 65 days to drill and complete and stated that it was fully funded from operational cashflow.

Established in 2015, UOG is an oil and gas exploration, development and production company with existing assets in Egypt, UK, Italy and Jamaica. The company’s working interest production at Abu Sennan averaged 2,730 barrels of oil equivalent per day in the first half of this year, according to its website.

In early 2020, UOG completed the acquisition of Rockhopper Egypt Pty, which included a 22 percent non-operating interest in the Abu Sennan concession. The concession is located in the Western Desert region of onshore Egypt.

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