
   2022-01-04 互联网综合消息






在很大程度上,俄罗斯对欧洲天然气供应的可靠性取决于最先进的海上天然气管道北溪(Nord Stream)和TurkStream。因此,另一条海上天然气管道北溪2号已于2021年12月29日完全准备就绪。该管道的设计年输送量为550亿立方米。



郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



Gazprom, the Russian state-owned multinational energy corporation headquartered in Saint Petersburg, reported a record-breaking year with the production of 514.8 billion cubic meters of gas. It topped the 2020 result by 62.2 billion cubic meters. The growth in Gazprom’s production covered the lion’s share of global gas consumption growth in 2021.

Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said: “As usual, we provided our consumers with reliable gas supplies. According to preliminary data, Gazprom supplied 257.8 billion cubic meters of gas to the domestic market from the gas transmission system. This is the highest level since 2013 and an increase of 31.9 billion cubic meters of gas against 2020.

Our exports beyond the FSU amounted to 185.1 billion cubic meters of gas in 2021, which is 5.8 billion cubic meters more than in 2020. The result of 2021 ranks fourth among the Company’s all-time records. It should be noted that 15 countries ramped up their imports of Russian pipeline gas. The biggest growth was observed in major consumers such as Germany (+10.5 per cent), Turkey (+63 per cent), and Italy (+20.3 per cent).

To a large extent, the reliability of Russian gas supplies to Europe hinges on the state-of-the-art offshore gas pipelines Nord Stream and TurkStream. This makes it crucial that another offshore gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, became fully ready for operation on December 29, 2021. The pipeline has a design capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline are growing. Over the course of 2021, our gas supplies to China regularly outstripped our contractual obligations. On January 1, 2022, Gazprom reached a new level in supplies as envisaged by the corresponding long-term bilateral sales and purchase agreement.

We exceeded the 2021 plans under our main social project – the ongoing gas infrastructure expansion in Russian regions. We built about 2,700 kilometers of gas pipelines. People in as many as 342 localities across the country were provided with access to natural gas. The large-scale gas grid expansion continues. Synchronization plans for 2022 have been signed between Gazprom and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

We expect our financial results for 2021 to be the highest in Gazprom’s history. This means that the dividends will also break absolute records both for Gazprom and Russia’s public companies at large.”

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