越南启动价值 2.2 亿美元的海上风电场

   2022-01-18 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据能源经济1月17日消息称,越南领先的可再生能源公司Trung Nam Group周一表示,该公司在东南亚国家推动清洁

据能源经济1月17日消息称,越南领先的可再生能源公司Trung Nam Group周一表示,该公司在东南亚国家推动清洁能源之际,启动了其首个海上风电场。

该公司在一份声明中说,这个位于越南南部Tra Vinh省的5万亿越南盾(约合2.207亿美元)发电场拥有25台涡轮机,装机容量为100兆瓦。

Trung Nam表示,到2025年,其可再生能源发电厂的总容量将提高到3.8 吉瓦 (GW),液化天然气发电厂的总容量将提高到1.5吉瓦。


该国表示,其目标是到 2030 年将其风能和太阳能发电装机容量翻一番,达到 31吉瓦-38 吉瓦。

曹海斌 摘译自 能源经济


Vietnam firm launches $220 mln offshore wind farm amid renewables drive

Vietnam's leading renewables firm Trung Nam Group has launched its first offshore wind farm amid the Southeast Asian country's drive for clean energy, the company said on Monday.

The 5 trillion dong ($220.17 million) farm in the southern province of Tra Vinh has 25 turbines with installed capacity of 100 megawatts, the company said in a statement.

Trung Nam said it would raise the total capacity of its renewable power plants to 3.8 gigawatts (GW) and LNG-to-power plants to 1.5 GW by 2025.

Vietnam is finalising a master power development plan with a focus on renewables to meet its target to achieve carbon emission neutrality by 2050.

The country has said it aimed to double its installed wind and solar power generation capacity to 31-38 GW by 2030.

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