
   2022-01-12 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据海上工程师网2022年1月7日报道,美国著名综合石油公司赫斯公司(Hess Corp)首席执行官约翰·赫斯日前表

据海上工程师网2022年1月7日报道,美国著名综合石油公司赫斯公司(Hess Corp)首席执行官约翰·赫斯日前表示,赫斯公司今年将宣布“有意义”的股息增长,这是因为赫斯公司开始优先向股东们返还资本,而不是商业投资。





赫斯表示,圭亚那的生产开发盈亏平衡点为25美元 - 35美元/桶,是行业中最低的盈亏平衡点之一,可以实现高盈利。

他说,投资目前是油气行业面临的最大挑战。 据赫斯公司称,全球正进入一个“结构性供应短缺市场”,每年的投资缺口约为4500亿美元,不足以满足不断增长的石油需求。


他估计,到今年年底,全球石油日需求量将从目前的9900万桶增至1.02亿桶,到2030年将增至1.05亿 - 1.06亿桶。  


李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


Hess Will Switch to 'Return of Capital Mode'

Hess Corp will announce a "meaningful" dividend growth this year as it starts to prioritize returning capital to shareholders over business investments, Chief Executive John Hess said on Thursday.

Oil companies have been raising cash distribution programs to lure investors amid pressure over the transition to cleaner energy.

Hess has been investing to build its portfolio for the last several years, with 2022 being the year "we will go from the investment mode to the return of capital mode," the CEO said during a webcast presentation.

The independent producer also plans to accelerate its buyback program after strengthening its base dividends, the CEO said.

Growing cash flow to support the distribution program is expected from Guyana, home of one of the world's largest oil discoveries this century and where Hess (30%) partners with operator Exxon Mobil Corp (45%) and China's CNOOC Ltd (25%).

Production development breakevens in Guyana are $25 to $35 per barrel, one of the lowest in the industry and allowing for high profitability, the CEO said.

Investment is the greatest challenge facing the oil and gas industry, he said. The world is entering a "structural supply deficit market," with investments falling about a third short of the $450 billion per year necessary to meet rising oil demand, according to Hess.

Unlike many oil majors and independents "generating a lot of free cash but not growing their business," Hess is also investing in output expansion aside of its distribution program, he said.

Oil demand should rise at the end of this year to 102 million barrels per day, from 99 million bdp today, and to between 105-106 million bpd in 2030, he estimates.

"In any credible scenario oil and gas will be needed in 20 years from now," Hess said. "Oil demand is not falling off the cliff."

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