
   2022-01-13 互联网综合消息



据美国油价网2022年1月11日报道,为了恢复其在西北欧洲原油和石油产品市场的昔日辉煌,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)旗下的贸易公司沙特阿美贸易公司(ATC)日前与国际独立私人股本集团Klesch 集团签订了一份11万桶/天的原油供应协议。 根据ATC的声明,在与Klesch集团签署协议以后,ATC将向丹麦凯隆堡炼油厂每日供应11万桶原油。 该交易不仅包括阿拉伯原油配售,还包括第三方原油和凝析油,并提供成品油采购。 此举应被视为ATC及其母公司沙特阿美的一次新冒险,因为沙特阿美试图重新进入或加强其在西北欧洲原油和石油产品市场的原有地位。

这家沙特石油巨头一直在这个非常有吸引力的欧洲市场寻找新的机会,在这个市场上,它曾经巨大的影响力最近正在减弱。 从2020年4月开始,ATC向欧洲市场提供了创纪录的31.2万桶/天的原油,到2020年8月,总供应量降至3.2万桶/天。为了从新获得西北欧洲原油和石油产品市场份额,特别是在仍然强劲的阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特卫普(ARA)炼油市场,ATC正在寻找新的进入和切入点。 ATC总裁兼首席执行官Ibrahim Al Buainain表示,新的原油交易将使ATC在欧洲和能源地图的其他部分有更多的交易。

ATC目前在欧洲市场上非常活跃,与其主要的区域竞争对手阿布扎比国家石油公司(ADNOC)旗下全球交易公司保持一致。 2021年12月,ATC与澳大利亚零售商联合石油公司(UP)签署了一份谅解备忘录,以寻求潜在的长期燃料供应、产品存储和其他商业机会。澳大利亚是亚太地区最大的燃料进口国,有潜力成为ATC的另一个主要市场。澳大利亚国内炼油厂的产能近几年来大幅下降。 ATC在备忘录中表示,将探索向UP销售成品油,以满足澳大利亚日益增长的需求。 与此同时,还计划在产品存储和物流方面进行可能的投资。

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Saudi Aramco Is Fighting To Regain A Key European Market

In a move to regain some of its former glory in the North West European crude oil and products market, Saudi Aramco Trading Company (ATC) has clinched a major 110,000 bpd supply deal with international independent private equity group Klesch Group. According to statements made by ATC, the deal entails the supply of 110,000 bpd of crude to the Danish Kalundborg Refinery, following the signing of an agreement with Klesch Group. The deal entails not only Arabian crude placement but also third-party crude and condensate, with a provision of refined products offtake. The move should be seen as a new adventure for ATC, and its mother company Saudi Aramco, as it attempts to re-enter or strengthen its former position in the North West European market.

The Saudi giant has been looking at new opportunities in this very attractive market where its once-great influence has been waning of late. From April 2020, when it posted record supply volumes of 312,000 bpd to the market, its total levels dropped to 32,000 bpd by August 2020. To regain its market share, especially in the still strong refining market of Amsterdam -Rotterdam – Antwerp (ARA), the company is searching for new inroads and entry points. Ibrahim Al Buainain, president and CEO of ATC, stated that the new crude deal will enable ATC to have additional transactions in Europe and other parts of the energy map. Klesch Group, with offices in London and Geneva, is known as a major investor in refineries in Europe. 

ATC is currently very active in the market, in line with its main regional competitor ADNOC Global Trading from Abu Dhabi. In December 2021 ATC signed an MOU with Australian retailer United Petroleum for potential long-term fuel supply, product storage, and other business opportunities. Australia has the potential to be another major market for ATC as it is the largest fuel importer in the Asia Pacific. Australia’s domestic refinery capacity has decreased substantially in recent years. In the MOU ATC indicated that it will explore refined fuels sales to UP to meet Australia’s growing demand. At the same time, possible investments are planned in product storage and logistics. ATC at present is looking to grow substantially, not only in volumes but also inhouse traders and personnel. New offices are also planned in key trading regions.

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