
   2022-01-26 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据安迅思能源1月25日消息称,据CommoPlast 称,信实最近与阿布扎比化工公司成立了一家合资企业,在阿联酋建

据安迅思能源1月25日消息称,据CommoPlast 称,信实最近与阿布扎比化工公司成立了一家合资企业,在阿联酋建造第一家生产氯碱产品的石化厂。

新工厂将位于阿联酋的鲁韦斯,将生产二氯乙烯 (EDC) 和聚氯乙烯 (PVC)。

这个价值20亿美元的项目被命名为TA’ziz EDC & PVC。其产量将满足当地市场以及东南亚和非洲日益增长的需求。

项目初步设计生产EDC 58万吨/年,每年需要使用氯79万吨。下游PVC厂预计年产36万吨/年。

市场消息人士称,过剩的 EDC 供应将出口到印度,那里的需求正以健康的速度增长。

朱佳妮 摘译自 安迅思能源


Reliance and Abu Dhabi Chem to jointly build first chlor-alkali plant n the UAE

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has recently entered a joint venture with Abu Dhabi Chemical to build the first petrochemical plant to produce Chlor-alkali products in the UAE, according to CommoPlast.

The new plant will be located in Ruwais, UAE and will produce Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC).

The USD2 billion project is named TA’ZIZ EDC & PVC. Its output will meet the growing demand in the local market, as well and in Southeast Asia and Africa.

The project is preliminarily designed to produce 580,000 tons/year of EDC, which would need to use 790,000 tons of chorine per annum. The downstream PVC plant is expected to have an annual output of 360,000 tons/year.

Market sources said that the excess EDC supply would be exported to India, where the demand expands at a healthy pace.

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