
   2022-01-25 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据今日油价网站1月22日消息 世界第三大石油生产国俄罗斯在欧佩克+生产协议上的态度一直是个未知数,该协议

据今日油价网站1月22日消息 世界第三大石油生产国俄罗斯在欧佩克+生产协议上的态度一直是个未知数,该协议限制参与者的石油产量,以支持更高的价格。在新冠疫情爆发后,莫斯科与沙特阿拉伯就生产配额问题展开了争论,这是由于原油价格的暴跌,原油价格首次跌入负向所致。北美基准的西德克萨斯中质原油在复苏前跌至每桶负37.63美元,布伦特原油没有进入国际基准的负区间,而是跌至每桶不到15美元的盘中低点。




尽管担心俄罗斯石油行业达到该产能,但副总理亚历山大·诺瓦克在 2021年10月声称有足够的空间扩大原油产量。诺瓦克是克里姆林宫与欧佩克的主要谈判代表,他声称俄罗斯拥有足够的闲置产能,可以将产量提高到每天超过1100万桶。


王磊 摘译自 今日油价


Russia’s Oil Output Could Peak In 2023

Russia, the world’s third-largest oil producer, has long been an unknown when it comes to the OPEC+ production agreement which caps the petroleum output of participants to support higher prices. It was Moscow’s spat with Saudi Arabia over production quotas in early 2020 which, combined with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused crude oil prices to plunge into negative territory for the first time ever. The North American benchmark West Texas Intermediate plunged to minus $37.63 per barrel before recovering, while Brent did not enter negative territory the international benchmark, plunged to an intraday low of less than $15 per barrel. During that time Moscow, Riyadh and other OPEC+ signatories were finally able to agree on production quotas. However, Moscow’s economic ambitions remain a threat to the agreement’s firmness, particularly with Washington threatening further sanctions. With OPEC gradually expanding production quotas set out in the agreement confirmed at the 19th ministerial meeting, there is considerable speculation as to how much global petroleum supply will expand and how that will affect crude oil prices. A key point of conjecture is whether Russia can grow its crude oil output as planned and allowed by its OPEC+ quota, with it speculated that the world’s third-largest oil producer is operating at or near capacity. For December 2021 Russia, according to the Ministry of Energy, pumped an average of 10.903 million barrels of crude oil and gas condensate daily. That number was marginally lower than the 10.906 million barrels produced per day for November 2021 but an impressive 8.4% higher compared to the same period a year earlier.

Government data shows that total annual oil and gas condensate production during 2021 averaged 10.5 million barrels per day, which is over 2% higher than a year earlier. It is anticipated that Russia’s crude oil output will expand further during 2022. The energy ministry predicts that forecast average annual daily crude oil output will climb to between 10.84 million and 11.05 million barrels, which is a 3% to 5% increase over 2021.

Despite concerns that Russia’s petroleum industry reaching production capacity Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, in October 2021, claimed there is ample room to expand crude oil output. Novak, who is the Kremlin’s key negotiator with OPEC, claimed Russia possesses sufficient spare capacity to ramp up production to over 11 million barrels per day. To support this assertion the deputy prime minister cited earlier production records where Russia was pumping up to 11.4 million barrels daily, in February 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic hit forcing operational shut-ins. While some analysts believe this is not achievable, industry consultancy Rystad Energy, in an August 2021 press release, predicted that Russia’s petroleum production during July 2022 will hit a new record. Rystad is tipping that the world’s third-largest oil producer will pump 11.6 million barrels per day during that month which, if achieved, represents a notable 11% increase compared to the same month in 2021. The consultancy went on to forecast that the world’s third-largest oil producer’s output will continue growing, peaking at 12.2 million barrels per day by mid-2023. 

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