
   2022-01-25 互联网综合消息











王佳晶 摘译自 伍德麦肯兹


No pain, no gain

The economic consequences of accelerating the energy transition Wood Mackenzie's base-case Energy Transition Outlook sees global temperatures 2.5-2.7 °C above pre-industrial levels by mid-century. To limit this warming to 1.5 °C, in line with the Paris.

Agreement, the energy transition must accelerate. The world has the means, motive and opportunity to do so.

An accelerated energy transition will pay off - both in economic and planetary terms. But it's going to take time. Our analysis suggests that much of the lasting economic benefits will materialise beyond our forecast horizon of 2050.

Preventing more extreme warming is likely to have a positive economic impact over the next three decades, by avoiding damage caused by rising temperatures, But the actions required to deliver it could have an offsetting negative effect. based on a review of existing economic studies on climate damage and the impact of mitigating global warming, we estimate that keeping warming to 1.5 °C would shave 2.0% off our base-case gross domestic product (GDP) forecast for 2050.

As new transition technologies – electric vehicles, utility-scale batteries, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage - come down in price over time, there will come a point when low-carbon investments are more competitive than phased-out high-carbon alternatives. We think the turning point will be around 2035, after which global GDP growth will outpace our base case, meaning lost economic output could be recouped by the end of the century.

Some economies will feel the effects more than others. Hydrocarbon-exporting and carbon intensive economies are likely to see the biggest hits to economic output. Less developed and low-income economies will bear a disproportionally high burden. Climate finance for lower-income countries, including government transfers and private sector investment, can help address inequity. But a truly fair and just transition will require actions to exceed our current expectations.

Economies that are already closer to net-zero targets will see a smaller economic impact from now to 2050. For a fortunate few, the transition need not result in economic loss at all. Those that are better positioned - typically wealthier economies with a strong propensity to invest in new technologies - may even benefit economically by 2050.

Some countries facing the greatest burden from the costs of a 1.5 °C pathway are also among those expected to see the fastest growth in population over the next 30 years. The effect on population is one of the many uncertainties of climate change. If limiting global warming lifts population growth, in per capita GDP terms, the cost of decarbonisation could be even greater.

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