
   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息



据天然气加工新闻网2022年1月25日利雅得报道,2020年,沙特阿拉伯的干气日产量首次达到了110亿立方英尺,比2010年增长了30%。 2016年12月欧佩克+协议的减产导致沙特阿拉伯的伴生天然气产量减少(伴生天然气是石油生产的副产品)。 然而,由于开发了非伴生或单独的天然气田,沙特阿拉伯的天然气总产量在过去20年里稳步增长。

沙特阿拉伯非伴生气田的天然气产量从2000年的零增加到2020年占总产量的46%。 2016年,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)开始优先开发主要位于海上的非伴生气田。  

沙特阿美的战略包括开发更多非伴生天然气(包括非常规资源)的计划,并进一步扩大现有油田附近的新储层和新发现的天然气储量,以帮助满足国内日益增长的需求。 截至2021年1月,沙特阿拉伯已探明天然气储量总计333万亿立方英尺,包括与科威特共同拥有的“中立区”。 2020年,沙特阿拉伯是仅次于俄罗斯、卡塔尔、美国和土库曼斯坦等的世界第6大天然气生产国。

2021年底,沙特阿美向能源公司授予合同,开发本国最大的非常规气田贾富拉气田,该气田位于波斯湾附近的世界最大油田盖瓦尔油田以东。沙特阿美预计贾富拉项目将于2025年开始生产天然气。 沙特阿美预计,到2030年,贾富拉项目的最大天然气日产能将为20亿立方英尺干气、4.18亿立方英尺的乙烷和63万桶的凝析油。  

沙特阿拉伯不进口或出口天然气,但预计到2030年前开始出口天然气。 沙特阿拉伯政府也计划到2030年前用天然气和可再生能源替代原油、燃料油和柴油来发电,这可能会增加国内天然气需求。 在电力行业用天然气发电取代原油发电,可能会使沙特阿拉伯有更多的原油可供出口。  

沙特阿拉伯拥有广泛的天然气基础设施,可以捕获、处理和运输天然气到该国的需求中心。 然而,西部和南部地区缺乏来自东部气田的充足的天然管道能力,而东部气田是沙特阿拉伯大部分石油生产的所在地。 沙特阿美计划将其西南海岸的天然气管道的日输气能力从96亿立方英尺扩大到125亿立方英尺,但沙特阿美尚未宣布完工日期。  

李峻 编译自 天然气加工新闻网


Saudi Arabia’s natgas production seeing new growth

Saudi Arabia’s dry natural gas production reached an average of 11 Bft3d for the first time in 2020, a 30% increase from 2010. Oil production cuts related to the December 2016 OPEC+ agreement have reduced Saudi Arabia’s associated natural gas production (natural gas produced as a by-product of oil production). However, the country’s total natural gas output has steadily grown over the past two decades because of the development of non-associated, or stand-alone, natural gas fields. 

Natural gas produced from non-associated gas fields in Saudi Arabia increased from nothing in 2000 to 46% of total production in 2020. In 2016, Saudi Aramco, the national oil company, began to prioritize the development of non-associated gas fields, located mostly offshore. 

Saudi Aramco’s strategy includes plans to develop more non-associated natural gas, including unconventional resources, and to further expand natural gas reserves with new reservoirs near existing fields and new discoveries to help meet growing domestic demand. Saudi Arabia’s proved natural gas reserves totaled 333 Tft3 as of January 2021, including those in an area shared with Kuwait known as the Neutral Zone. Saudi Arabia was the sixth-largest natural gas producer in the world behind Russia, Qatar, the U.S., and Turkmenistan in 2020. 

At the end of 2021, Saudi Aramco awarded contracts to energy companies to develop the country’s largest unconventional field, Jafurah, located to the east of Ghawar oil field near the Persian Gulf. The company expects the Jafurah project to begin production in 2025. Saudi Aramco expects that by 2030, the project will have a maximum capacity of 2 Bft3d of dry natural gas, 418 MMft3d of ethane, and 630,000 bpd of condensate. 

Saudi Arabia does not import or export natural gas, but it expects to begin exporting natural gas by 2030. The government of Saudi Arabia also plans to replace its crude oil, fuel oil, and diesel-powered electric generators with natural gas and renewable energy generation by 2030, which will likely increase domestic natural gas demand. Replacing crude oil with natural gas-fired generation in the electric power sector could make more crude oil in Saudi Arabia available for export. 

Saudi Arabia has extensive natural gas infrastructure that can capture, process, and transport natural gas to the country’s demand centers. However, the western and southern regions lack sufficient natural pipeline capacity from the eastern fields, where most of the country’s production is located. Saudi Aramco intends to expand its natural gas pipeline capacity along the southwest coast of the country from 9.6 Bft3d to 12.5 Bft3d, but it has not announced a completion date yet. 

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