
   2022-01-29 互联网综合消息




Equinor 总裁兼首席执行官 Anders Opedal 说:“Martin Linge是一个非常有挑战性的项目。感谢有能力的同事、优秀的供应商以及与我们的合作伙伴 Petoro 和当局的良好合作,该油田去年得以高效、安全地投入使用。该油田现在的生产效率很高。以目前的价格,该领域的投资将在 2022 年全部收回。”


挪威勘探与生产执行副总裁Kjetil Hove表示:“我要感谢该项目和目前运营该油田的组织为实现该项目所付出的努力,并感谢每天提供安全、高效的油田运营。”

马丁林格项目在开发阶段遇到了重大挑战。马丁林格油田的资本支出总计 630 亿挪威克朗,而 2012 年的开发和运营计划 (PDO) 为 315 亿挪威克朗。该油田于 2021 年 6 月投产。Equinor 于 2018 年从道达尔手中接管了运营权。

预计可采资源量约为 2.6 亿桶石油当量。

朱佳妮 摘译自 世界石油


Equinor’s Martin Linge field officially goes on stream

Equinor’s Martin Linge field offshore Norway officially opened on January 27th. With good operational performance since the field came on stream in June and high oil and gas prices, the investments in the field are expected to be recovered in full during 2022.

“Martin Linge has been a very challenging project to put on stream. Thanks to competent colleagues, good suppliers, and good collaboration with our partner Petoro and the authorities, the field was efficiently and safely put on stream last year. The field is now producing very efficiently. With current prices,  investments in the field will be recovered in full during 2022,” says Anders Opedal, president and CEO of Equinor.

Since production started  on 30 June 2021, Martin Linge has delivered world-class production efficiency for a new field in the start-up phase.

“I would like to thank the project and the organisation now operating the field for working hard to realise the project, and to deliver safe and efficient field operations every day,” says Kjetil Hove, executive vice president, Exploration & Production Norway.

The Martin Linge project encountered significant challenges in the development phase. Capital expenditures in the Martin Linge field totalled NOK 63 billion, compared with NOK 31.5 billion in the plan for development and operation (PDO) from 2012. The field came on stream in June 2021. Equinor took over the operatorship from Total in 2018.

The expected recoverable resources are about 260 million barrels of oil equivalent.

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