
   2022-02-07 互联网综合消息




哈里斯说:“艾伯塔油田资源开发项目将是非洲过去20年来最大的原油开发项目之一,预计可开采出超过15亿桶原油。” 由于艾伯塔油田资源开发项目一部分的Tilenga和Kingfisher油田的是乌干达第一个石油项目,它将为乌干达国库带来大约80亿美元的收入,这标志着乌干达政府备受期待的举措终于敲定。


Tilenga油田将通过一条艾伯特湖(Lake Albert)管道每天从北部贡献21.3万桶原油产量。在重油进入EACOP加热管道之前,Kingfisher油田预计将每天从南部再增加4万桶原油产量。 乌干达目前的原油产量为零,因此仅这两个油田的原油产量就将使乌干达跻身非洲6大原油生产国之列。

如果这个项目获得成功,这一跨国合作将带来进一步的基础设施开发和贸易,如早期设想的坦桑尼亚-乌干达跨境天然气管道,坦乌管道自2016年以来一直处于停滞状态。 鉴于埃尼公司的Coral South气田最终将在今年晚些时候投产,这可能会将莫桑比克的天然气销售到坦桑尼亚和乌干达,供两国国内使用。  

李峻 编译自 世界石油网


Globaldata: Long-awaited investment decision to bring Uganda into top six African oil producers

The final investment decision (FID) taken on Lake Albert Resources Development Project is the second-largest FID taken in the oil and gas industry in the last two years, said Rami Khrais, an oil and gas analyst at GlobalData.

“The project will be one of the largest oil developments seen in Africa over the last 20 years, expecting to recover over 1.5 billion barrels of oil,” Kharis said. “It marks a much-anticipated move for the government of Uganda, as the Tilenga and Kingfisher fields (part of the Lake Albert development) is the first FID to be taken on an oil project in Uganda and it will bring approximately $8 billion to its coffers.

If the production from Tilenga and Kingfisher is materialized according to the planned schedule, Uganda will be able to produce approximately 230,000 barrels of oil per day by the end of the decade, Kharis said.

“Tilenga will contribute via a Lake Albert pipeline with a 213,000 barrels per day capacity from the north. Kingfisher is expected to add another 40,000 barrels per day from the south, before the heavy oil enters EACOP heated pipeline. Uganda’s production is currently zero, so production from these two fields alone will put the country among the top six crude producers in Africa.”

If the project is successful, this cross-country collaboration can bring further infrastructure development and trading, such as the earlier envisaged Tanzania-Uganda trans-border gas pipeline, which had been stalled since 2016, according to GlobalData. This could potentially market Mozambique gas across Tanzania and Uganda for domestic use, seeing that Eni’s Coral South will finally come on stream later this year.

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