陶氏预计2022年PE需求将出现弹性 出口将增加

   2022-02-07 互联网综合消息




陶氏化学首席执行官Jim Fitterling在公司第四季度财报电话会议上说:“市场每增长1%的GDP,就需要2-3家世界级PE工厂上线,我们的预期是,这不会改变。我们看到,所有行业对塑料产品的需求都很强劲。”




曹海斌 摘译自 安迅思


Dow sees resilient PE demand in 2022, will ramp up exports

Global polyethylene (PE) demand should continue to be resilient in 2022 while Dow ramps up production and exports, its CEO said on Thursday.

“For every 1% of GDP growth in the marketplace you need 2-3 world-scale PE plants to come online, and our expectation is that is not going to change. We see strong demand across all sectors for plastic products,” said Dow CEO Jim Fitterling on the company’s Q4 earnings conference call.

“Most of [the new projects] are going to start coming on in the second quarter to mid-year… and so I think market growth is going to help moderate some of that [impact]. Our expectations on operating rates are 2-3 percentage points higher than what the industry is expecting in PE,” he added.

The Dow CEO sees 4m tonnes/year of capacity coming on in North America with half of that destined for the export market.

He also pointed out that about 50% of the global PE capacity additions through 2025 will be in high cost regions, with 60% in northeast Asia.

“With the advantage being in Canada, the US, Argentina and the Middle East – the places that have good structural low-cost ethane positions – we’re going to be in a good place and operating rates are going to be very high,” said Fitterling.

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