
   2022-02-09 互联网综合消息


核心提示:• 美国去年第四季度石油产量增长加快。 • 美国石油行业较高的资本支出很大一部分是由于成本膨胀。 • 尽

• 美国去年第四季度石油产量增长加快。  

• 美国石油行业较高的资本支出很大一部分是由于成本膨胀。  

• 尽管成本上涨,但大型油服公司仍乐观地认为,行业多年的上升周期已经开始。



今年,美国石油行业较高的资本支出将部分归因于成本膨胀。 这将不是增加支出中最大的一部分,但与前两年的节俭支出相比,今年的总体资本支出将有所增加。





达拉斯联邦储备银行的调查结果显示,72.1%的油气支持服务公司报告第四季度投入成本增加,而只有2.3%的公司报告投入成本下降。 与此同时,调查中65.1%的油服公司的服务价格保持不变。  





雪佛龙公司首席财务官皮埃尔·布列柏在日前举行的收益电话会议上表示:“我们将继续管理我们的成本,我们认为,在二叠纪盆地和我们的投资组合中,我们的成本管理得非常好。 我们在去年12月公布的资本预算中,预计销货成本会有一些增长,增幅为低的个位数。”雪佛龙公司首席执行官迈克·沃思在电话中指出,“在二叠纪盆地,我们可能会看到成本多一些,这是非常可控的,我们认为我们可以用效率来抵消它。与去年相比,今年雪佛龙公司在二叠纪盆地的产量将增长大约10%。”







然而,油气日产量低于1万桶的小型公司更倾向于提高产量,而只有24%的大型勘探和生产公司将这一提高产量目标作为首要目标。 调查显示,小企业最常选择的回答是“增加产量”,而大企业最常选择的回答是“减少债务”。  




米勒在1月份曾表示,“我对这种持续多年的上升周期感到兴奋。 我预计宏观行业环境将保持支持性,国际和北美市场将继续同步增长。”




李峻 编译自 美国油价网


The Next Big Problem For U.S. Shale

·     U.S. oil production growth picked up the pace in the fourth quarter.

·     A big part of the higher capital spending in the U.S. oil industry will be because of cost inflation.

·     Despite cost inflation, the largest oilfield service firms are optimistic that a multi-year upcycle in the industry has begun.

U.S. oil producers are raising capital spending and activity this year, but they have to contend with surging inflation as cost pressures intensify. 

While oil production growth picked up the pace in the fourth quarter, costs jumped sharply for a third consecutive quarter to a record-high reading among oilfield services firms "suggestive of significant cost pressures," the Dallas Fed Energy Survey for Q4 found. 

In 2022, part of the higher capital spending in the U.S. oil industry will be because of cost inflation. This will not be the highest portion of the increased expenditure, but it will contribute to an overall higher capex this year compared to the previous two years of frugal spending. 

As many of the drilled-but-uncompleted (DUC) wells have been exhausted throughout 2021 when companies largely abstained from new well drilling until they go through the DUC inventory, the industry will have to spend more on drilling in 2022. 

"Add rapid cost inflation into the mix, and capital spending could rise by almost 20 percent just to maintain production at the same level as last year," warned the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) oil and gas analyst Trey Cowan, and energy finance analyst Clark Williams-Derry. 

Cost Pressures 

"These cost increases will land first on oilfield service firms—who may not be able to pass the costs on to producers," Cowan and Williams-Derry noted. 

A total of 72.1 percent of oil and gas support service firms reported an increase in input costs in Q4, compared to just 2.3 percent that reported a decrease in input costs, according to the Dallas Fed survey. At the same time, the prices received for the services remained unchanged for 65.1 percent of the oilfield service firms in the survey. 

The services firms could bear a disproportionate share of the cost increases, IEEFA's analysts said. 

"The general E&P consensus for well cost inflation in 2022 appears to be anywhere from 5-15%, with many caveats across the board depending on the focus of the operator and the landscape of available service providers," Rystad Energy said in an analysis in November. 

"Across the various operators, steel, labor and fuel were all flagged as areas of special concern in 2022 that would contribute the most to rising well costs," the energy research firm said. 

However, many E&P companies have pointed to continued efficiency gains as potential offsets to rising costs.  

"We continue to manage our costs, we think, very well in the Permian and across our portfolio. Our capital budget, which we announced in December, expected some COGS increase, modest in the low single digits. And what we might be seeing a little bit more than that in the Permian, it's very manageable and we think we can offset it with efficiencies," Chevron's CFO Pierre Breber said on the earnings call last week. During the call, CEO Mike Wirth noted that Chevron's production in the Permian would rise by around 10 percent this year compared to 2021. 

Capex And Production Rising

ExxonMobil, for its part, grew its Permian production from 2020 to 2021 by over 25 percent, CEO Darren Woods said this week, adding that "Our expectation, as we go into 2022, is to grow another 25%."

Exxon's 2021 production in the Permian rose by nearly 100,000 oil-equivalent barrels per day to around 460,000 boepd. 

It's not only Exxon and Chevron that plan higher production in their core assets in the U.S. shale patch. 

Per Dallas Fed's survey, 44 percent of executives said they expect capital spending to increase slightly, while an additional 31 percent anticipate a significant increase in capex this year compared to 2021. 

A total of 49 percent of 88 E&P firms polled in the survey in December pointed to "grow production" as their primary goal in 2022. 

However, small firms—those producing less than 10,000 bpd—are more inclined to boost production, while this goal was cited as primary at only 24 percent of large E&P firms. The most-selected response among small firms was "grow production," while the most-selected response among large firms was "reduce debt," the survey showed. 

Top Oilfield Service Providers Upbeat Despite Cost Pressures

Despite cost inflation, the largest oilfield service firms are optimistic that a multi-year upcycle in the industry has begun.  

Halliburton, for example—the top provider of services in the U.S. shale patch—saw its completion and production division finish 2021 with a 15 percent operating margin, "driven by activity improvement despite inflationary pressures," chairman and CEO Jeff Miller said. 

"I am excited about the accelerating multi-year upcycle. I expect the macro industry environment to remain supportive and the international and North America markets to continue their simultaneous growth," Miller said last month.

Inflation is more acute, and it's more pronounced in some parts of some basins, but it's a market condition and "something that we always deal with," Schlumberger's CEO Olivier Le Peuch said on the earnings call in January.  

"Turning to 2022, more specifically, we expect an increase in capital spending of at least 20% in North America, impacting both the onshore and offshore markets, while internationally, capital spending is projected to increase in the low-to-mid teens, building momentum from a very strong exit in the second half of 2021," Le Peuch added. 

While the shale patch is raising capital spending and production, it has to contend with rising costs, which, if not offset by efficiency gains, could eat into the 2022 profit margins of the producers that enjoyed record cash flows in 2021.


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