
   2022-02-09 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据俄罗斯油气网爱丁堡报道, 《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方大会(COP26)将各国聚集在一起,共同

据俄罗斯油气网爱丁堡报道, 《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方大会(COP26)将各国聚集在一起,共同制定实现净零排放的途径。





各国政府已经在研究成为第一批氢能源国家的潜力。一些政府已将绿色氢气能源置于能源决策的前沿和中心; 比如英国政府承诺到2030年前提供5吉瓦的氢气生产能力。








氢和新兴技术公司的高级研究分析师Flor Lucia De la Cruz说:目前大规模部署低碳氢气燃料的挑战包括从生产方到需求方的运输,除了弥补从供应方到需求方的缺口之外, 在这一点上,政府可以真正介入并支持大型中游基础设施的部署,比如管道,这是运输氢气最便宜的方法。


李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


WoodMac: Green hydrogen is key to net-zero future

Edinburgh, February 3- Neftegaz.RU. The COP26 conference brings countries together to align on a pathway to net-zero. 

However, WoodMac says it should not be only discussions, the industry needs real solutions that can be delivered once the conference has concluded.

Every technology will play its part in decarbonising global energy systems. 

Renewable generation such as wind and solar, supported by short-term storage, have become standard in recent years. 

They also participated in transforming perceptions of the potential for 100 % clean energy.

These technologies will continue getting cheaper, but they cannot get the job done alone, Woodmac says. 

Green hydrogen holds the key to transforming renewable power into solutions for every sector.

Given the right market and policy environment, green hydrogen has the potential to act as a key driver for the net-zero ambitions of many nations who participated in COP26.

Governments are already looking into the potential to become one of the 1st hydrogen-powered countries. 

Several have placed green hydrogen front and center of energy policymaking; like the UK government’s pledge to deliver 5GW of hydrogen production capacity by 2030.

California’s Low-Carbon Fuel Standard has spurred early momentum in the US, and the Administration has made hydrogen a key element in its plans to fight climate change. 

Hydrogen was also one enabler of the UAE’s recent pledge to become the 1st of the Persian Gulf’s petrostates to reach net-zero by 2050.

Cost is the principal implementation barrier, green hydrogen is currently up to 3 times more expensive than hydrogen produced from fossil fuels.

However, there are some positive examples like Califonia-based manufacturer of solid oxide fuel cells Bloom Energy. 

The company has been focused on reducing the cost curve of green hydrogen around the world.

WoodMac gives examples of similar cases in the energy industry. 

In each case, a strategic mix of policies, investment and technological innovation led to rapid cost declines. 

This accelerated deployment worldwide.

Considering the touchpoints for green hydrogen, therefore, it brings more constituents together than any other potential low-carbon technology.

Rapid technology development and commercialization are crucial to growing a green hydrogen economy, but this is just one aspect.

To really accelerate the green hydrogen economy, governments need to use the right policy levers to support infrastructure development and stimulate strong demand.

With global net zero ambitions supercharging the potential of green hydrogen, we need policymakers to put in place the regulation to act as the connection between supply and demand. 

Green H2 producers, users and innovators, must come together to showcase green hydrogen in multiple industries and settings, bring costs down, and illustrate its potential for scalability.

Flor Lucia De la Cruz, senior research analyst, Hydrogen & Emerging Technologies, said:

·     Current challenges of deploying low carbon hydrogen at scale include transportation from the production side to the demand side, besides bridging the gap from the supply to demand side, here is where governments can really step in and support the deployment of large-scale midstream infrastructure such as pipelines which are the cheapest method of transporting hydrogen

To fully realise the economic and environmental opportunities presented by green hydrogen, the players must support each other as we innovate and supercharge its potential. 

If they stand together, governments will create effective market frameworks that drive confidence and demand. 

only then can green H2 live up to its potential and play its role in achieving a global net-zero economy.

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