
   2022-02-09 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据油价网2月8日消息称,沙特阿拉伯能源部长Abdulaziz Bin Salman王子在周日发表的采访中告诉《时代周刊》,

据油价网2月8日消息称,特阿拉伯能源部长Abdulaziz Bin Salman王子在周日发表的采访中告诉《时代周刊》,世界最大的石油出口国沙特阿拉伯认为,几十年后其原油仍有市场,并计划提高产能,而其他一些石油公司正在能源转型中限制对石油的投资。


能源部长告诉《时代周刊》的 Vivienne Walt:“我们的目标是到2027年,我们的产能将达到1340万-1350万桶/天。”

Abdulaziz Bin Salman王子说:“我们相信石油消费将继续增长。石油需求将继续增长。具体到什么程度,我不知道,因为目前尚无定论。如果有人告诉你,他能很好地把握时间、地点和程度,那他一定是生活在幻想世界里。”


曹海斌 摘译自 油价网


Saudi Arabia Is Doubling Down On Oil Production

The world’s largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, believes there will still be a market for its crude decades from now and plans to boost its production capacity while some other oil companies are limiting investments in oil in the energy transition, Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister, Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman, told TIME in an interview published on Sunday.

Saudi Arabia’s oil giant Aramco targets to increase its oil production capacity to 13 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2027 from 12 million bpd now. It also aims to boost natural gas production to use more gas for domestic electricity production at the expense of dirtier fuels, including the burning of oil.

“We are targeting our production capacity to become 13.4, 13.5 million barrels a day by 2027,” the energy minister told TIME’s Vivienne Walt.

“We believe oil consumption will continue to grow. The demand for oil will continue growing. At what level, I do not know, because the jury is out. Anyone who tells you that they have a good grasp of where and when and how much is certainly living in a fantasy land,” Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman said.

According to the top oilman in Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom can reconcile its net-zero by 2060 ambition with the planned increase in its oil production capacity. Saudi Arabia shouldn’t limit itself to just one source of energy while all sorts of energy are in demand, he added. 

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