
   2022-02-16 互联网综合消息


核心提示:已钻井但未完工的油井据离岸工程网站2月14日消息 能源技术公司贝克休斯宣布,其已在圭亚那为油田服务和设备

已钻井但未完工的油井据离岸工程网站2月14日消息 能源技术公司贝克休斯宣布,其已在圭亚那为油田服务和设备开设了一个新的“超级中心”设施。该设施占地超过8英亩,将为区域客户提供支持,并支持贝克休斯在南美的本地化工作。

贝克休斯在提到其在圭亚那的工作时表示,公司目前为多台钻机提供钻井服务、钻头、钻井和完井液,其完井和井筒干预产品线支持该国所有开发井的上部完井。贝克休斯公司的涡轮机械与工艺解决方案(TPS)和上游化学品业务还为圭亚那的第二艘浮式生产储油卸油船Liza Unity和该地区的其他项目提供技术和解决方案。


贝克休斯负责油田服务的执行副总裁Maria Claudia Borras在2月14日的设施开幕式上表示:“今天的宣布大大扩大了贝克休斯支持圭亚那能源目标和该国领先的石油和天然气项目的能力。贝克休斯在该地区以其卓越的服务和技术而闻名,我们新的圭亚那超级中心将加强我们进一步拓展不断变化的市场的努力。我们为来到这里感到自豪,我们期待着我们工作下一个激动人心的阶段。”


王磊 摘译自 离岸工程


Baker Hughes Expands in Guyana

Energy technology company Baker Hughes announced it has opened a new "supercenter" facility for oilfield services and equipment in Guyana. The facility, which spans more than 8 acres, will support regional customers and bolster Baker Hughes’ localization efforts within South America.

Referencing its work in Guyana, Baker Hughes said it currently provides drilling services, drill bits and drilling and completion fluids to several drilling rigs, with its Completions and Wellbore Intervention product line supporting all upper completions for development wells in the country. Baker Hughes’ Turbomachinery & Process Solutions (TPS) and Upstream Chemicals businesses also provide technology and solutions to the second floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel in Guyana, known as Liza Unity and other projects in the region.

The new multimodal supercenter has been built together with Baker Hughes’ existing completion warehouse and liquid mud and completion fluids plant, providing full support to customers in Guyana and Suriname. The facility represents a multimillion-dollar investment from Baker Hughes over 15 years and includes a workshop, warehouse and laydown storage yard including maintenance facilities and equipment. Baker Hughes will also offer subsea equipment and installation services at the new supercenter. The center is expected to employ more than 100 employees within five years, and the majority are expected to be Guyanese.

“Today’s announcement significantly expands Baker Hughes’ ability to support Guyana’s energy goals and leading oil and gas projects in the country,” said Maria Claudia Borras, executive vice president for Oilfield Services at Baker Hughes, during the facility’s opening ceremony on Feb. 14. “Baker Hughes is well-known in the region for service and technical excellence, and our new Guyana supercenter will bolster our efforts to expand even further into the evolving market. We are proud to be here, and we look forward to this exciting next phase in our work.”

Guyana is an important strategic growth country for Baker Hughes, the company said. The majority of all discoveries in Guyana are located in the Stabroek Block, where operator ExxonMobil has updated the estimated recoverable resources to approximately 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

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