
   2022-02-15 互联网综合消息




美国能源信息署(EIA)公布的数据显示,1月份二叠纪盆地的原油日供应量平均为506万桶,自2007年以来首次突破500万桶大关。二叠纪盆地包括得克萨斯州和新墨西哥州。 此前的最高纪录是在去年12月创下的。 EIA还上调了11月份的数据,超过了2020年3月创下的长期纪录。

二叠纪盆地的产量继续超过除沙特阿拉伯以外的所有欧佩克成员国。 随着油价升至7年高点,石油勘探公司纷纷采油,石油产量进一步攀升。 由于生产成本低,二叠纪盆地从疫情爆发后的石油产量下降中恢复得最快。 二叠纪盆地是美国石油产量增长的先锋,而其他页岩地区则落后。


李峻 编译自 美国彭博新闻社


Permian oil output sets record for third straight month

Production from America’s Permian Basin reached a record high for the third month in a row in January as a red-hot price rally keeps shale drillers busy. 

Crude supply from the basin, which includes Texas and New Mexico, averaged 5.06 million barrels a day in January, surpassing the 5 million mark for the first time in data going back to 2007, according to the Energy Information Administration. The previous record was set in December. The agency also revised its November volumes higher, surpassing a long-time record set in March 2020.

Permian output continues to exceed every OPEC member, except Saudi Arabia. Production is set to climb even more with oil prices at a seven-year high spurring oil explorers to pump away. The basin has recovered the most quickly from the drop in oil output that ensued when the pandemic hit because of its low production costs. It is spearheading growth in American oil output while other shale regions lag. 

Total U.S. oil output lags pre-pandemic highs seen just before prices plunged and forced explorers to slash output. 

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