
   2022-02-08 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据天然气加工网站2月3日报道 液化空气集团继续发展生物甲烷气业务,在美国建造了全球最大的生物甲烷气生产

据天然气加工网站2月3日报道 液化空气集团继续发展生物甲烷气业务,在美国建造了全球最大的生物甲烷气生产设施,这将使该集团的全球生物甲烷生产能力达到1.8太瓦时。新的生产设施将使液化空气集团能够继续为其工业和运输行业的客户提供低碳解决方案,并伴随他们减少排放。




液化空气执行委员会成员Émilie Mouren-Renouard表示:“与氢和二氧化碳捕获技术一样,生物甲烷在液化空气公司为应对全球变暖和保护环境而开发的解决方案组合中占有重要地位。宣布建造世界上最大的生物甲烷生产装置,表明液化空气公司决心与其客户合作在整个能源转型过程中,在工业和交通运输行业发挥重要作用,同时也为低碳社会的出现做出积极贡献。”

王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


Air Liquide to build its largest biomethane production unit

Air Liquide continues its development of biomethane activities with the construction in the U.S. of its largest biomethane production unit in the world. This will bring the worldwide biomethane production capacity of the Group to 1.8 TWh. The new production unit will allow Air Liquide to keep providing low-carbon solutions to its customers in the industrial and transportation sectors and to accompany them in the reduction of their emissions.

Located in Rockford, Illinois, the new production unit will produce biomethane from biogas from a solid waste treatment plant, owned and operated by Waste Connections Inc. It will have a production capacity of 380 GWh per year, which represents the largest production capacity per plant for the group. It will be operational by the end of 2023. Another biomethane production unit from another landfill is also being built in Delavan, Wisconsin, and will be operational at the beginning of Q2 2022. Thanks to these two new units, Air Liquide is becoming a significant biomethane production player in the U.S. to accompany its customers from the industrial and transportation sectors in the U.S. and in Canada. 

Air Liquide has developed competencies throughout the whole biomethane value chain, from biogas production from waste, to its purification into biomethane, liquefaction, storage, and transportation to distribution. For these two projects, Air Liquide will use, in addition to its own membrane technology, a complementary technology developed by Waga Energy, a company specialized in the valorization of biogas from landfill sites. 

Globally, Air Liquide now has 21 biomethane operational production units in the world for a yearly production capacity of about 1.4 TWh. After the commissioning of the two new Rockford and Delavan plants, the Group’s biomethane production capacity will reach 1.8 TWh per year. 

Émilie Mouren-Renouard, Member of the Air Liquide Executive Committee said, “biomethane, like hydrogen and CO2 capture technologies, has a prominent place in the portfolio of solutions developed by Air Liquide to fight global warming and preserve the environment. The announcement of the construction of our largest biomethane production unit in the world illustrates Air Liquide’s determination to accompany its customers in the industrial and transportation sectors throughout the energy transition, but also to actively contribute to the emergence of a low-carbon society.”

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