
   2022-02-18 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据离岸工程2月16日报道,壳牌正在寻求剥离其位于Clipper枢纽和Leman Alpha综合体气田集群50%的股份。据路透

据离岸工程2月16日报道,壳牌正在寻求剥离其位于Clipper枢纽和Leman Alpha综合体气田集群50%的股份。




据三名消息人士透露,作为最新计划的一部分,壳牌计划剥离位于Clipper枢纽和 Leman Alpha综合体气田集群50%的股份。






本月早些时候,壳牌首席执行官本•范伯登(Ben van Beurden)表示,该公司计划每年出售平均价值40亿美元的资产。

近年来,壳牌已剥离了北海若干石油和天然气资产的股份。这包括2017年以38亿美元的价格将石油和天然气生产资产出售给Harbor Energy。

郝芬 译自 离岸工程


Shell looking to divest gas assets in southern UK North Sea

The company is looking to divest its 50% stake in a cluster of gas fields in the Clipper hub, and the Leman Alpha complex.

Shell is considering selling stakes in two gas fields clusters, located in the southern UK North Sea, Reuters has reported, citing industry sources.

The possible sale forms part of the firm’s efforts to retreat from the North Sea, where production has been declining since the late 1990s.

The ageing basin is triggering long-time oil and gas producers to shift focus to other more prolific and profitable business.

As part of the latest plan, Shell intends to divest a stake of 50% in a cluster of fields located in the Clipper hub, in addition to the Leman Alpha complex, according to three sources.

A potential sale of these assets could earn $1bn in proceeds for the company, the report added.

Production from the two gas fields is transferred to the onshore Shell-operated Bacton gas terminal complex, in eastern England, through a pipeline.

Located 66km from the Norfolk coast, the Clipper hub has a capacity to transport approximately 400 million standard cubic feet of gas per day.

The Clipper hub not only produces and processes gas from its own wells, but also imports and processes gas from the Barque, Skiff, Galleon, Carrack, and Cutter fields.

Last month, Shell renewed talks with the UK’s offshore regulators over the Jackdaw gas field development, in the North Sea.

Earlier this month, Shell CEO Ben van Beurden said the company plans to sell assets, worth an average of $4bn, annually.

In recent years, Shell had divested stakes in several oil and gas assets in the North Sea. This include the sale of oil and gas producing assets to Harbour Energy for $3.8bn, in 2017.

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