
   2022-02-28 互联网综合消息







雪佛龙美国燃料和润滑油总裁Andy Walz说:“雪佛龙相信氢有潜力帮助降低交通部门和其他难以脱碳行业的碳排放。”


岩谷美国公司董事长兼首席执行官Joseph Cappello补充道:“岩谷和雪佛龙之间的广泛合作表明了我们支持运输脱碳的共同愿景和承诺。雪佛龙和岩谷将共同建立加州最强大、垂直整合的供应和基础设施生态系统之一,这是一个可以复制到其他市场的模式。”

冯娟 摘译自 世界能源


Chevron, Iwatani to Develop 30 Hydrogen Stations in California by 2026

Chevron and Iwatani will co-develop 30 new hydrogen stations in California by 2026.

The duo today (Feb 24) confirmed the strong commitment as part of a new agreement that will boost the availability of hydrogen fuel to both light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles, respectively.

Each fuelling site will be located at Chevron-branded retail locations, with a proportion of the proposed sites set to receive hydrogen supply from the oil company’s Richmond refinery and future hydrogen production from pilots in Northern California.

Iwatani will operate and maintain the hydrogen fuelling sites and provide hydrogen supply and transportation logistics services.

Andy Walz, President of Americas Fuels and Lubricants at Chevron, said, “Chevron believes that hydrogen has the potential to assist in lowering the carbon emissions of the transportation sector and other hard-to-decarbonise industries.

“We are excited to work with Iwatani to advance the entire hydrogen transportation value chain from production to consumer purchase in order to help our customers lower their lifecycle transportation carbon intensities.”

Joseph Cappello, Chairman and CEO of Iwatani Corporation of America, added, “This extensive collaboration between Iwatani and Chevron demonstrates our shared vision and commitment to support the decarbonisation of transportation.

“Together, Chevron and Iwatani will establish one of the most robust, vertically integrated supply and infrastructure ecosystems in California and is a model that can be replicated to other markets.”

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