
   2022-03-01 互联网综合消息


核心提示:·第5个聚丙烯装置在阿联酋国营石化公司Borouge开始运作 ·这个聚丙烯装置将把聚丙烯生产能力提高25% ·Bor





Borouge在2月24日发布的一份声明中表示,合资企业Borouge已经开始运营其这个聚丙烯生产装置,这将使该公司聚丙烯的年生产能力提高25%或48万吨,达到224万吨,其聚烯烃的总聚合物年产能将提高11%,达到500万吨。 这个装置在去年年底开始试运行。

Borouge首席执行官Hazeem al-Suwaidi在声明中表示:“我们的PP5装置将使我们能够满足客户对聚丙烯解决方案日益增长的需求,特别是我们在中东、亚太和非洲主要市场的包装和基础设施领域。”


预计将在2025年投入运营的Borouge -4项目包括建设一个150万吨乙烷裂解装置和两个聚乙烯厂。 两家公司表示,这个项目将使该基地以640万吨/年的产量成为世界上最大的单基地聚烯烃联合体。

阿国油将为Borouge -4装置提供原料。

李峻 编译自natural gas


ADNOC, Borealis boost polymer capacity at UAE petrochemical JV by 11%

·Fifth polypropylene unit starts operations at Borouge

·Unit to boost polypropylene production capacity by 25%

·Borouge gearing up for 2024 startup of expansion project

·     Natural Gas,  Oil, Petrochemicals

Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. and Austria's Borealis have started up a new polypropylene unit that will boost total polymer capacity of polyolefins by 11% at their petrochemical joint venture in the UAE ahead of a 2024 launch of a $6.2 billion expansion. 

Joint venture Borouge has commenced operations at its fifth polypropylene unit that will boost the production capacity of the commodity by 25% or 480,000 mt to 2.24 million mt/year and its total polymer capacity of polyolefins by 11% to 5 million mt/year, Borouge said in a Feb. 24 statement. The commissioning of the unit started at the end of 2021.

"Our PP5 unit, will enable us to meet our customers' increasing demand for polypropylene solutions, especially in the packaging and infrastructure sectors across our key markets in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa," Borouge CEO Hazeem al-Suwaidi said in the statement.

ADNOC and Borealis, which is 75% owned by OMV, began this year construction of the expansion of the Borouge petrochemical plant in the industrial city of Ruwais to produce 1.4 million mt/year of polyethylene.

Expected to become operational in 2025, the Borouge 4 project includes construction of a 1.5 million mt ethane cracker and two polyethylene plants. It will make the site the world's largest single-site polyolefin complex at 6.4 million mt/year, the companies said.

ADNOC will supply feedstock for the Borouge 4 unit.

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