
   2022-03-09 互联网综合消息



据烃加工新闻3月7日消息称,道达尔能源公司的诺曼底平台已经成功开始生产可持续航空燃料(SAF)。这个新站点补充了 La Mède 生物精炼厂和 Oudalle 工厂的生物喷气燃料生产能力。


道达尔能源还将从 2024 年开始在其位于巴黎东南部的 Grandpuits 零原油平台生产 SAF。


道达尔能源公司炼油与化工总裁Bernard Pinatel说:“通过宣布在法国的一个新工厂开始生产 SAF,我们响应了航空业减少碳足迹的强烈需求。我们还承诺通过提供创新的解决方案来支持客户减少排放。这一承诺与该公司与社会一起在2050年实现净零排放的气候目标完全一致。”

朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


TotalEnergies begins producing SAF at its Normandy platform

TotalEnergies' Normandy platform has successfully started production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). This new site complements the biojet fuel production capacities of La Mède biorefinery and the Oudalle plant.

This move enables TotalEnergies to meet demand from its customers and respond to French legislation, which calls for aircraft to use at least 1% SAF effective January 1, 2022.

TotalEnergies will also produce SAF at its Grandpuits zero-crude platform southeast of Paris starting in 2024.

All of the biojet fuel, which is destined for French airports, will be produced from waste and residue sourced notably from the circular economy.

"By announcing the start-up of SAF production at a new site in France, we are responding to strong demand from the aviation industry to reduce its carbon footprint. We are also confirming our commitment to support customers by offering innovative solutions to reduce their emissions. This commitment is fully aligned with the Company's climate ambition to get to net-zero emissions by 2050, together with society,” said Bernard Pinatel, President of Refining & Chemicals at TotalEnergies.

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