伦丁能源放弃油气业务 专注于可再生能源

   2022-03-08 互联网综合消息


核心提示:据世界天然气网3月7日消息 在Aker BP和伦丁能源的勘探与生产业务完成合并后,后者将保留可再生能源资产,该

据世界天然气网3月7日消息 在Aker BP和伦丁能源的勘探与生产业务完成合并后,后者将保留可再生能源资产,该资产将作为独立业务运营,专注于在能源转型中创造机会,并为可持续能源未来做出贡献。


在完成伦丁能源的勘探与生产业务与Aker BP的拟议合并后,可再生能源业务将继续作为一家独立公司,在北欧拥有三项资产。伦丁能源表示,该公司将无债务,专注于现金产生,并将在为股东创造价值,同时为可持续能源未来做出贡献的良好业绩基础上再接再厉。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Post-merger with Aker BP, Lundin Energy leaving behind oil & gas business to focus on renewables

Following the completion of the merger of Aker BP’s and Lundin Energy’s E&P businesses, the latter will remain with renewable energy assets, which will operate as a standalone business, focusing on creating opportunities within the energy transition and contributing to a sustainable energy future.

In an update on Monday, Lundin revealed a company description for the new, renewables-focussed business, including the business overview, strategy, board of directors and management team.

After completion of the proposed combination of Lundin Energy’s E&P business with Aker BP, the renewables business will remain as a standalone company with three assets in the Nordics. The business will be debt-free, focussed on cash generation and well-positioned to build on its proven track record of creating shareholder value while contributing to a sustainable energy future, Lundin Energy said.

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