
   2022-03-03 互联网综合消息



据能源全球3月1日消息称,壳牌旗下全资子公司壳牌能源运营有限公司宣布已签署协议,收购澳大利亚风电场开发商西风能源开发有限公司49% 的股份,该公司拥有横跨维多利亚州、新南威尔士州(NSW)和澳大利亚昆士兰州的3吉瓦项目管道。

壳牌澳大利亚地区主席Tony Nunan表示:“通过开发可再生能源满足客户当前和未来的能源需求是壳牌战略的核心。”



西风能源董事总经理Tobias Geiger说:“这是西风能源令人兴奋的一天,更重要的是,对澳大利亚向清洁能源经济的过渡来说。”



曹海斌 摘译自 能源全球


Shell Australia and WestWind form strategic partnership

Shell Energy Operations Pty Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shell plc (Shell), announced it has signed an agreement to acquire 49% of Australian wind farm developer, WestWind Energy Development Pty Ltd (WestWind), which has a 3 GW project pipeline across Victoria, New South Wales (NSW), and Queensland, Australia.

Shell Australia Country Chair, Tony Nunan, said “Meeting our customers’ energy needs today and into the future by developing renewable energy is core to Shell’s strategy.”

“WestWind has an impressive pipeline of Australian wind projects and proven capability in the development of onshore wind here and, via its parent company, overseas. Our first wind investment in Australia is a significant step in our goal to build a low-carbon integrated power business in Australia in line with our customers’ evolving energy needs.

“This strategic partnership with WestWind complements Shell’s investments over recent years across larger scale solar, carbon trading and power retailing, generation, and trading. It demonstrates our commitment to delivering a broad range of low-carbon products and services to residential and commercial customers,” Mr Nunan said.

WestWind Energy Managing Director, Tobias Geiger, said: “This is an exciting day for WestWind Energy and, more importantly, for Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy.”

“In partnership with Shell, we can accelerate our development of wind energy projects in Victoria and expand into NSW, and Queensland. We will be able to grow our team to undertake a larger number of projects, and progress them much faster,” Mr Geiger said.

The investment is expected to complete in 2022 and is subject to regulatory approvals.

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